Kim Hamilton Duffy: We're launching the Education and Life Long Learning Task Force (name may change) ✪
... we going to overview the work we have in mind
... we see the CCG as a good fit with this education work
... Nate Otto and Kerri Lemoie will talk about it
... Long been an interest in Open Badges and verifiable credentials
... a desire for a more lightweight specification
... we've gotten more motivated to engage on that.
... we see this eventually resulting in requirements from education
... for example, in verifiable claims, examples are things like driver's license or other IDs given to you
... in education formal needs are important,
... but so are endorsements that, say, a peer gives
... The other thing we see as potential deliverable is a draft specification
... for where we want to see an Open Badges Verifiable Credential standard
...also technical prototyping
Nate Otto: We think that through this work we could outline what changes might be needed to these associated specifications to make sure they have a happy future together. For example, "Add Linked Data Signatures as a new available signing method for Open Badges" ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Priorities include engaging the broader community ✪
...we want to be able to express open badges as verifiable credentials
...we see an open badges being wrapped by verifiable credential, using linked-data signatures
...we are trying to let Open Badges *use* the tools of the VCWG and community
... also the idea of credentials that aren't valid until counter-signed
... this is vital for GDPR
Kerri Lemoie: The counter sign ability is yet another level of verifiability ✪
... sometimes credentials are issued without the subject's knowledge or with info they didn't intend to publicize
Kim Hamilton Duffy: This brings up issues of different parties at different phases is the credential lifecycle ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Ongoing conversation, issue that the creator of the badge is presumed to be the issuer ✪
... his has complications, but simplifies things in others
Mike Lodder: Is there a use case for issuing a credential without the subject's knowledge? ✪
Nate Otto: Both the BadgeClass and the Assertion may have an "issuer" property. Currently in Open Badges 2.0 only the BadgeClass identifies its "issuer", and the Assertion's creator is assumed to be the same as the BadgeClass's. ✪
... we've discussed different technical issues about types and whether there is a finite list
... Which raises questions of what verifiability means
Kim Hamilton Duffy: So there are a range of topics the task force would address ✪
... and we'd live to have a good place to continue this conversation and document what we're doing and going through a consensus process to understand use cases and requirements
... and feed into different specs that might be implemented
... fantastic to discuss how to make all these technologies work together
... super excited about possibilities for alignment with Open Badges
... bringing in from VCWG
Nate Otto: I suspect that Bohdan (drabiv) and we are proposing very similar modifications to Open Badges to allow the expression of "entity earned a <defined credential>" using the Verifiable Credentials syntax. ✪
Manu Sporny: Lots of folks who want to create VCs, but there is little guidance about how to do that ✪
... developers want examples
... so maybe the community needs to start creating an example catalog