Kim Hamilton Duffy: Kim finished these action items - Chairs to add potential works items section to main W3C-CCG page (educational, object capabilities, etc.) (Kim) - Add updated Credentials Community Group 2018 WBS graphic onto landing page (Kim) - Add link to WBS on home page (Kim) - Chairs to create VC examples repo ✪
Manu Sporny: For two more weeks will try to close as many of those as possible so implementers can be sure of their implementations ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Kim finished these action items: Chairs to add potential works items section to main W3C-CCG page (educational, object capabilities, etc.) (Kim); Add updated Credentials Community Group 2018 WBS graphic onto landing page (Kim); Add link to WBS on home page (Kim); Chairs to create VC examples repo ✪
Christopher Allen: Manu - when can we tag features as finalized and have confidence in them ✪
Manu Sporny: Still in pre 1.0 phase of the DID Spec ✪
Manu Sporny: Using semantic versioning on the DID Spec ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Kimhd is also closing these action items: Chairs to assign Joe as owner of CCG process, Chairs to assign Manu as Registry Process owner [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy] ✪
Manu Sporny: We have not been categorizing issues in the prerelease phase ✪
Christopher Allen: When do categorize versions as finished like 0.9 or 0.10 ✪
Manu Sporny: Usually done by signaling the community that a version is done or for a specific version is still being worked on ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Kimhd closing action item: W3C-CCG to complete reconciliation of #RebootingWebOfTrust & Hardening changes (All, due end of January _ *COMPLETE* [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy] ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Kimhd closing action item Sending out additional details about RWoT in Santa Barbara (Joe)*COMPLETE* [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy] ✪
Manu Sporny: No real hard and fast rule to communicate this ✪
Manu Sporny: These are living specs, stable are versions that have been approved by W3C ✪
Joe Andrieu: Would like this more formalized, where are we and how do we do living standards ✪
Nate Otto: There are specific work items for this task force, but likely to do more discovery around work items that are not yet fully defined. We'll start with an Open Badges/Verifiable Credentials unification proof of concept. (Asserting an Open Badge in a VC envelope) ✪
Joe Andrieu: Call for consensus for the task force ✪
Dave Longley: A "Verifiable Credential" can simply be a "PublicKeyCredential" which is just an assertion that you have a certain public key ... which can be checked by going to a DID ledger. ✪
Dave Longley: Note: ocaps vs. acls .... using a key (ocap) is better because it only fits into a particular lock -- using a list with names on it (acl) makes it too easy to trick those people into doing things for others that weren't intended. ✪
Chris Webber: Attenuated keys are used for restricted capabilities ✪
Joe Andrieu: I'm surprised IRC is still responsive. ✪
Joe Andrieu: Chris or Kim? Could you take over moderating? ✪
Manu Sporny: We don't feel comfortable recommending yet at the general level yet because each method will have specifics that are different ✪
Christopher Allen: Ocap architecture is not new, but has not been successful because the need has not been sufficient, acl has been adequet ✪
Manu Sporny: Yes, I didn't mean to imply that that ocap is a "new concept"... it definitely isn't and a LOT of thought/implementation has gone into it. ✪
Christopher Allen: We're finally reaching a point where the weight of the acl system is hurting us ✪
Drummond Reed: I think we need to differentiate between using the OCAP model with a particular Sovrin method and using it as a general pattern of authorization between DID subjects. Both are important. ✪
Manu Sporny: I was just saying that it's new to this group and new to "blockchains", which are new themselves... so... LOTS of NEW stuff going on, which makes some organizations very nervous about deployment. ✪
Adrian Gropper: How much of this is interacting with DIF ✪
Drummond Reed: DIF is pursuing a hub model are trying to solve the same problem that ocap solves but their thinking isn't far enough along yet ✪
Ryan Grant: If veres one is doing anything with ocap outside of DID updates and if other method specs should consider it with their own ✪
Drummond Reed: Verifiable credentials is a general pattern to do ocap ✪