... lots of conversation, not much since April 1, 2018 - summary?
Amy Guy: As soon as there's consensus will rebase ✪
Manu Sporny: Proposal: the only opposition was from Drummond, having a DID method that did not have update, delete BUT may want to create one-time DID ✪
... and it's not a requirement to support update and deactivate but could put editorial text saying it's not recommended but ok
Joe Andrieu: Chris expressed opinion that he's more in Drummon's camp to require these - ✪
... my opinion do we want DIDs to be a universal plugin for a broad range of identifiers. If it's reasonable for USPS to create
... a centralized DID methjod, then it's a bigger issue
Markus Sabadello: It could make sense to support DIDs that don't support update and delete - it's also interesting from a resolution point of veiw ✪
... also good example of DID that don't depend on blockchains - probably a good thing
... where a DID resolver maps to different URL is out of scope - don't know what the actual URI looks like
Dmitrz: Like Manu and Amy needs more discussion and consensus from the group ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Re PR #55, I see the argument of -- what value are they if they're centralized? how to we make this aspect more readily apparent to users? I also think we should be inclusive at the CCG/DID spec level, but am interested in the best practices/user guidance discussion. To Daniel's thought above, I do think DIF would be a good place to kick that off ✪
Joe Andrieu: Unless changes from recent PR, seems odd that top level of ABNF is a top level, it's a little wacky ✪
Michael Herman: Much of this will be clarified once we get to #159 ✪
... issue is how can we point to something on IPFS that can't change - and the oly thing neccessary for IPFS to publish a URL scheme
... problem solved for linking the keys, hashlink can solve this, no changes needed to specification, - close PR, then johnny can explain
Jonathan Holt: Suggested having / - on IPLD not IPFS - / on a path in IETF - culmination of multihash - suggestion for how to link to content addressable payloads ✪
... not subject to spoofing attacks --- also how we index - uses serialized JSON - ? not determinisitc for serialization to CBOR
... to closing the PR, it's still valid - just reserving the /
Manu Sporny: Can't do that - would need to modify the standard - you have to conform to URI spec - can't change their mind ✪