We often share information on the World Wide Web, though some of it is private.
The W3C Credentials Community Group focuses on how privacy can be enhanced when
attributes are shared electronically. In the course of our work, we have identified
three related but distinct privacy enhancing strategies: "data minimization,"
"selective disclosure," and "progressive trust." These enhancements are enabled with
cryptography. The goal of this paper is to enable decision makers, particularly
non-technical ones, to gain a nuanced grasp of these enhancements along with some
idea of how their enablers work. We describe them below in plain English, but with
some rigor. This knowledge will enable readers of this paper to be better able to
know when they need privacy enhancements, to select the type of enhancement needed,
to assess techniques that enable those enhancements, and to adopt the correct
enhancement for the correct use case.
We often share information on the World Wide Web, though some of it is private.
The W3C Credentials Community Group focuses on how privacy can be enhanced when
attributes are shared electronically. In the course of our work, we have identified
three related but distinct privacy enhancing strategies: "data minimization,"
"selective disclosure," and "progressive trust." These enhancements are enabled with
cryptography. The goal of this paper is to enable decision makers, particularly
non-technical ones, to gain a nuanced grasp of these enhancements along with some
idea of how their enablers work. We describe them below in plain English, but with
some rigor. This knowledge will enable readers of this paper to be better able to
know when they need privacy enhancements, to select the type of enhancement needed,
to assess techniques that enable those enhancements, and to adopt the correct
enhancement for the correct use case.
2. Three examples
Three examples of how people would like their privacy preserved in the process
of sharing credentials help to illuminate these three techniques.
Diego attempts to use an online service and is asked to share his
location in order to prove his geolocation. Diego hesitates, since the service
doesn't need his location everyday, everywhere. He knows that the service may
share this information with other parties without meaningful consent on his part.
Thoughts pass through his mind: What location data does the service actually need?
What will it read in future? Is there a way for him to share his location just this
once, or to only share an approximate location?
Selena hands her driver's license to a bouncer to prove she is
of drinking age. As he looks it over, she sees him inspecting her date of birth
and home address. He only needs to know that she is over 21. Is there a way to
disclose that she is indeed old enough without revealing her actual age, along
with her home address and city of residence as well?
Proctor, negotiating with a real estate agent to purchase a home,
reveals a
letter from his bank stating his credit limit. He wanted to reveal its approximate
amount only, but the agent insisted on verifying that the letter was authentic.
Proctor feels the agent now has the upper hand in the negotiation, as the letter
reveals more than just its authenticity. Could he have revealed only an approximate
amount and reveal more details as the negotiations progress?
Each story features information that is verifiable: a home address, age, or
credit limit. We call such information a credential, and a detail of a credential
we call an attribute. We have three strategies for enhancing the privacy of
digitally shared credential attributes, and each story highlights one. Diego's
story highlights the need for "data minimization," Selena's for "selective
disclosure," and Proctor's for "progressive trust." Let's examine each one in
detail before discussing enablers.
3. Privacy Enhancements
We propose the following three privacy enhancements. (Sources used to curate
these definitions are listed in .)
3.1 Data Minimization
Data minimization is the act of limiting the amount of shared data strictly to
the minimum necessary in order to successfully accomplish a task or goal. There
are three types of minimization:
Content minimization โ the amount of data should be strictly the minimum necessary.
Temporal minimization โ the data should be stored by the receiver strictly for
the minimum amount of time necessary to execute the task.
Scope minimization โ the data should only be used for the strict purpose of the
active task.
Data minimization is enacted primarily by policy decisions made by stakeholders
in the credentials ecosystem:
Credential issuers ensure that credentials may be presented in such a way as to
enable data minimization. This may require issuing multiple, related, granular
Credential inspectors establish in advance policies regarding the data they will
what is the minimum data necessary to accomplish the task or goal?
what is the minimum time the data can be stored to execute the task?
what processes ensure that the data is applied only to the task at hand and does
not, by a process of scope creep, become applied to other tasks or goals?
Data minimization policies impact selective disclosure, the next privacy enhancement.
3.2 Selective Disclosure
Selective disclosure is the ability of an individual to granularly decide what
information to share. Stakeholders in the credentials ecosystem enable selective
disclosure capabilities in the following ways:
Credential issuers format the credential and its attributes in such a way as to
enable selective disclosure. As with the strategy of data minimization, they may
issue multiple, related, granular sub-credentials. Each attribute and the overall
credential may be formatted to support cryptography, a capability described in
more detail below.
Credential inspectors ensure the request is framed in such a way as to enable
selective disclosure, using the cryptographic tools required.
Once data minimization policies and selective disclosure are in place, the third
and last enhancement can be applied.
3.3 Progressive Trust
Progressive trust is the ability of an individual to gradually increase the
amount of relevant data revealed as trust is built or value generated.
To enable progressive trust capabilities, stakeholders in the credentials ecosystem
act in the following ways:
Issuers format the credential(s) in such a way as to enable progressive trust.
This may require issuing multiple, related, atomic sub-credentials. It also may
require formatting the credential to support mathematical queries and cryptographic
proofs. Finally, the issuer's data model may express how the various sub-credentials
are related in a scenario involving progressive trust.
Inspectors ensure that requests are framed in such a way as to enable progressive
trust. They structure the communication in order to to gradually escalate credential
requests in order to enable a subject to progressively trust the inspector more
and more, revealing the minimum data necessary to accomplish each step of the
task or goal and revealing more and more as the mutual communication progresses.
4. Crypto Enablers
Implementing privacy enhancements depends on organizational decisions.
Determination of the data needed, with an eye towards data minimization, along
with a clear model of how data is used over the lifecycle of engagement, goes a
long way towards enabling progressive trust. However, policies are not enough.
When enhancing privacy online, some data parts must be revealed while others
remain concealed. Concealment is achieved mostly by the art of cryptography,
from the greek word "kryptos," meaning hidden, like in a crypt. Crypto (a short
word we will use for cryptography) enables us to achieve our goal by means of
three primary enablers: having a secret, having a difficult mathematical task,
and having zero-knowledge enablers. The children's "Where's Waldo?" illustrated
book series helps us to understand these three enablers. In these books a
distinctively dressed man appears only once on each page, wearing a striped hat.
Readers are asked to scour the page and locate him. We can understand the three
enablers by examining Where's Waldo one step at a time.
A Secret: For the new reader, Waldo's location is a secret. The
illustrator knows it, and the reader doesn't. The reader is encouraged to search
the page and find Waldo, but that is a difficult task. Some readers give up and
ask someone who has already found Waldo to show them his location. In essence,
they are asking another reader to reveal the secret. Once found, a reader could
keep the information secret by circling Waldo in red and storing the book in a
safe. This amounts to storing the secret for future use. Secrets are essential
to crypto. They are usually called keys, and they must be managed carefully.
A Difficult Task: Waldo is difficult to find on the page. The
reader has to search everywhere and mistakenly identify many Waldo look-alike
characters before reaching a satisfactory conclusion and finding him. Yet when
he is finally discovered, or someone points Waldo out, it's easy to see where he
is. That's why it's a fun task. This difference between the difficulty of
conducting the task and the ease of verifying the task lies at the heart of
cryptographic enablers.
A Zero Knowledge Enabler: Can you prove you found Waldo without
revealing the secret of his actual location on the page? There is a simple way to
do so. Take a rectangular piece of white cardboard that is much larger than the
book. Cut a hole exactly fitting Waldo to reveal his silhouette only, nothing else.
You can now show Waldo to anyone, peeking out of the cardboard. Yet the cardboard
is wide and opaque, hiding the book thoroughly, so a verifier has no idea where
Waldo is on the page. The puzzle was solved and someone verified the achievement,
without revealing any knowledge of how to solve the puzzle. The secret is still
safe, the task still just as difficult as before.
Where's Waldo books are drawings, while crypto is built from mathematical
equations, basically puzzles based on numbers. We provide the interested reader
with a layman's overview in .
5. Three Solutions
We now return to our opening examples, apply the privacy preserving strategies
and enablers described, and describe the improved outcomes.
The online service that Diego uses does an internal policy
review and realizes (a) it only needs a location when a user signs up for an
account, and (b) it does not need an exact address, only the county district. It
changes its interface to request a Verifiable Credential for Diego's location.
Diego's system creates this credential for him, which can be inspected to reveal
the county district. The crypto to enable this would be similar to that described
in . With this data
minimization, the online service has less risk of violating data protection rules,
is less a target for hacking, and has lower overall costs, while at the same time
preserving Diego's privacy.
The bar seeking to verify Selena's age uses selective disclosure
as built into the Verifiable Claims system. Selena will no longer share her date
of birth. Instead, Selena creates a secret that we harness to craft a
crypto-formatted credential. This crypto makes it easy to verify her age, but
difficult to determine her exact date of birth. The bouncer's system can perform
a zero-knowledge proof to determine the credential is valid and that Selena is
older than twenty-one, without revealing her birthday or her secret. The bouncer
sees she is over twenty-one without seeing her date of birth, residence address,
or any other unnecessary information. In
we show the process step-by-step.
The real estate agency working with Proctor implements a data
model specifying what is required at each step of the real estate negotiation.
The first step requires only proof of being an account holder in good standing
at a known bank, so Proctor does not have to reveal the detailed letter at this
point. As their negotiation continues, Proctor reveals more and more information
as required. Some steps of the process may share Verifiable Claims encoded with
6. Summary
The World Wide Web accelerates the sharing of credentials and other digital
interactions, and many regulations have been passed and strategies proposed to
protect privacy, some of which require cryptography. To align terminology, the
World Wide Web Credentials Community Group has found three related but distinct
privacy enhancing strategies that create a useful rubric for discussing the
challenges and arriving at solutions. We share the examples of Diego, Selena,
and Proctor and propose "data minimization," "selective disclosure," and
"progressive trust," with accompanying crypto protocols as useful semantics for
accelerating the adoption of digital interaction while protecting privacy.
A. Definition Sources
This section contains definitions we curated, based on research and oral
interviews, to create the definitions of data minimization, selective disclosure
and progressive trust.
A.1 Data Minimization
Definitions of data minimization that we considered in the formation of our
definition above.
GDPR Rec.39; Art.5(1)(c) definition: โThe personal data should be adequate,
relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are
processed. This requires, in particular, ensuring that the period for which the
personal data are stored is limited to a strict minimum. Personal data should be
processed only if the purpose of the processing could not reasonably be fulfilled
by other means.โ
Reducing your overall footprint of data outside of your control. Can be
accomplished by using selective disclosure.
Adequate, relevant and non-excessive.
Reducing the amount of data you are sending in a payload to only the one ...
needed. That prevents leakage of confidential information.
Providing people with the information they need without revealing non necessary
info. If I need to prove if I am old enough without revealing an actual birthdate.
Best practices โ your should deeply inspect your use case and come to a
conclusion as to what is the minimum data you need to accomplish your goal. Donโt
be greedy. Data has proven to be toxic.
Mathematical โ finding a way to express the data that you wish as an equation
related to the data you have.
Minimizing the amount of data to achieve your goal or communicate what you need
Designing systems to operate efficiently in order to maximize privacy.
Choosing to only share the minimal amount of data about yourself or something
during an interaction.
Trying to keep the amount of info that is being disclosed as limited as possible
to the requirements of the vulnerability. The minimum is what ... will lead them
to move to action.
Always happens in a context: a relationship where the two parties are considering
interacting in some way. Sending only the signals that I want to send and that
are needed by the other party, hem to interact with me in a particular.
The least amount of data needed for a system to function.
Collecting the least amount of date for the highest outcome.
Also known as minimal disclosure, data minimization is the principle of using
the least amount of data to accomplish a transaction. This is incumbent on all
three parties in an exchange. The holder should attempt to share the minimum.
The issuer needs to create attributes designed for composition and minimal use,
as opposed to monolithic credentials with all the data. The verifier needs to
ask only for what they need. The motivation to minimize data is that unneeded
data is potentially โtoxic.โ
A.2 Selective Disclosure
Definitions of selective disclosure that we considered in the formation of our
definition above.
Ability to decide what info you give and how it can be used.
Smart disclosure, allows [selecting] what information to give based on logic.
Blind search. You can decide who gets to see what.
Means by which we achieve data minimization. Form of policies. Ability to mask
attributes that you do not have to share.
Relates to mathematical definition โ the computational ability to reveal only
parts of your data profile.
Act of communicating or revealing only what you intend to, and not any peripheric
Having granular control over the ways in which data is shared.
Is a pattern for user interfaces allowing people to choose what to share about
them during an interaction.
Method for achieving data minimization where only certain signals are being
shared and there is control of who it is being shared with. That control is
never perfect. The communication channel matters.
An entity having granular control on whatโs revealed.
The individual having the freedom to decide what to share, or the acquirer using
data minimization approach requesting the minimum amount amount of data for the
maximum impact.
A.3 Progressive Trust
Definitions of progressive trust that we considered in the formation of our
definition above. Note that we included definitions of progressive trust and
progressive disclosure as well.
Procedure for increasing revelation of relevant data as the communication proceeds.
As we continue to communicate we decide to reveal more information. It becomes more
generous as trust builds.
Being able to reveal more data as you need to given certain conditions
Information is disclosed as needed when needed.
You can choose to increase the amount of data you disclose over time as needed.
Taking as little vulnerability as possible at the beginning, then gaining
information and becoming willing to take on additional vulnerability by revealing
more information.
Trust is built through step by step interactions where we start making ourselves
vulnerable in a very small way and we observe how this works out. Based on results
we consider making ourselves further vulnerable or not. It is about increasing
levels of familiarity and prediction making (I am better able to predict your
Releasing information as needed.
Escalation of the previous steps (data minimization, selective disclosure) in
line with the value increasing.
Purpose binding is the auditable use of data, so I can audit the use of my data
and determine that it was used for the purposes declared. Progressive trust is
the feeling of assurance and safety that develops over time, based on a history
of data used only for its bound purposes, and so based on this feeling a data
holder will be ready to share more data or other data, if at some point in the
relationship this other data is requested.
Trust is required when you depend on the actions of someone who you can't control.
B. Basic Crypto Concepts
This appendix describes basic cryptographic concepts critical to the privacy
preserving engineering of credential attributes. For readability, we use the short
word, "crypto."
B.1 Overview
Crypto is a huge field with highly specialized jargon, too much to cover here.
But non-specialists would benefit from some understanding of relevant crypto in
order to make informed decisions. We begin with a brief overview of several
concepts from number theory that serve as a foundation for all crypto used in
this process. This is a curated list of topics progressing from the simple to
the more complex. Notice how ideas are re-used and layered as you read on.
B.2 Number Theory
Number theory refers to the study of the behavior of integer numbers such as one,
three, or two hundred. The following are behaviors of these numbers that make them
useful for crypto:
Prime or not: Some numbers are only divisible by themselves and
one. These are called 'prime.'
One-way function: A numerical function that takes a publicly
known number, and without any secret information, computes a value. Like a
one-way street, the computation goes only one direction. Given the computed
value, it is hard to find the publicly known number.
Clock arithmetic, aka modular arithmetic: a system of arithmetic
where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value. A familiar use is in
the ordinary clock, in which our day is divided into twelve-hour periods. If the
time is seven o'clock now, then ten hours later it will be five o'clock, though
a military man might say seventeen hundred hours. Even he will say that ten hours
later it is three o'clock, and not twenty-seven hundred hour, because his clock
time "wraps around" every twenty-four hours (as opposed to twelve).
Groups and Finite Fields: Some subsets of all integers form a
"group" that behaves in ways very useful to the performance of cryptography. In
extremely simplified terms, a group is a self-sufficient set of integers, where
any possible manipulation returns an answer from within the group. Finite fields
are types of groups that satisfy certain demanding properties. Notice how this
resembles clock arithmetic, where the same numbers are used over and over again.
Discrete Logarithms: A discrete logarithm is a property for
numbers in a group. Since there is no efficient method for computing discrete
logarithms, they form a "difficult problem" and so are very useful in cryptography.
(The logarithm log(b) of a is an exponent x
such that b^x (b raised to the x exponent)
= a.)
Quadratic Residues: Quadratic refers to 'squared' numbers, a
number raised to the second exponential power. Quadratic residues are a useful
property of squared numbers as they behave in modular arithmetic.
B.3 Primary Objectives
The curious behavior of numbers is exploited to achieve four primary crypto
Confidentiality: a hidden part of a credential cannot be understood
by anyone for whom it is unintended. Often called "privacy," we avoid that word
here since it can mean many things in addition to confidentiality.
Authentication: the identity of information shared can be
validated as authentic.
Integrity: the revealed part of the credential cannot be altered
without such alteration being detected. Also known as validity, fidelity or
Non-repudiation: aka non-deniability, a credential's creator
cannot deny at a later stage his or her involvement.
B.4 Ten Crypto Concepts
Over the decades hundreds if not thousands of crypto protocols, processes,
algorithms and protocols have been innovated to achieve these objectives, by
cobbling together the above six behaviors in different ways. We present here a
brief tour of the ten most significant ones in our field of verifiable credentials:
PKI or "public and private keys": a system that lies at the
heart of most relevant crypto since a publicly shared digital asset can be locked
to, or encumbered by, a private key that is kept secret. Only the person with
knoweldge of that private key can, with the right software, unlock that asset.
This enables a broad range of activities such as "signature," "authentication,"
and "certificate validation." In general we call these activities PKI, a public
key infrastructure.
Signature: a signature in this context is a use of PKI. A valid
signature gives a recipient "authentication", confidence that the message was
created by a known sender; "non-repudiation," that the sender cannot deny having
sent the message; and "integrity," that the message was not altered in transit.
Signatures enable every cryptographic objective except for confidentiality. There
are many types of signature schemes in use including Digital Signature Algorithm
(DSA), Camenisch-Lysyanskaya (CL) signatures, and BonehโLynnโShacham (BLS)
Key exchange: exchange methods enable two parties that have no
prior knowledge of each other to jointly establish a shared secret key over an
insecure channel. This key can then be used to encrypt subsequent communications
using a symmetric key cipher. DiffieโHellman is a common example.
Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC): an approach to PKI based on
the numeric structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. ECC is useful as it
requires smaller keys compared to non-ECC cryptography. There are many variants
of ECC used including Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).
Hash or message digest: one-way functions, such as SHA-256. A
set of many one-way functions may be applied to a tree of data to form a Merkle
Tree (or trie).
Zero-Knowledge (ZK): zero knowledge is defined above loosely as
a set of practices where some data is revealed while other parts are kept secret.
Many ZK methods are used in cryptography incuding Fiat Shamir, Proof of knowledge
of discrete logarithms, ZK Snarks, and ZK Starks.
Accumulators: a form of ZK, a cryptographic accumulator is a
one-way membership function that answers a query as to whether a potential
candidate is a member of a set without revealing the individual members of the set.
Similar to a one-way hash function, cryptographic accumulators generate a
fixed-size digest representing an arbitrarily large set of values. Some further
provide a fixed-size witness for any value of the set, which can be used together
with the accumulated digest to verify its membership in the set.
Commitment: a cryptographic commitment, which allows one to
commit to a chosen value (or chosen statement) while keeping it hidden to others,
with the ability to reveal the committed value later.
Witness: a term that has different applications in cryptography.
In this paper, a witness is a value used in a cryptographic accumulator. In
Bitcoin the unlocking signature is called the "witness data."
Quantum Computing and Cryptography: as quantum computing is
developed, it poses a threat to the difficulty of puzzles. For example, they are
likely to be much faster at determining if a number is truly prime or not.
C. Drinking Age Credential Implementation
The birthday of an individual is formatted into a verifiable credential, which
can be inspected to reveal the age of the credential holder without revealing
their birthdate. The flow described here is based on the developing Verifiable
Claims standard of the W3C Credentials Community Group. It uses cryptography
developed by Jan Camenisch, as implemented by Sovrin.
This is a work in progress. Note that other types of crypto could be applied to
achieve the same privacy preserving goals.
C.1 Communication Flow
The flow below may be copies and pasted into the [WEB-SEQ] webpage to generate
a flow diagram.
title Verifiable credential using Selective Disclosure
participant Valid Time Oracle
participant Janet
participant ID Provider
participant Ledger
participant Bar
note over Janet:Prover
note over Bar:Validator
note over Janet,Bar: Preparation and Setup
note right of ID Provider:Infrastructure
ID Provider->Ledger: Define Schema (Name, Birthdate, Address)
ID Provider->Ledger: credential Definition (Pub Key, etc.)
ID Provider->ID Provider: Generate Prv Key for this credential
ID Provider->Ledger:Revocation Registry
note left of Bar: Prepare to accept credentials
Bar->Bar:Install Agent
Bar->Ledger: Check schema
note over Janet,Bar: Begin Use Case
Janet->ID Provider: Request ID
ID Provider-->Janet: ID will be issued as a digital credential
note right of Janet: Prepare to receive credentials
Janet->Janet: Install Agent
Janet->Janet: Prv Key Generate, Store
Janet->Ledger:Check Schema
Ledger->Janet:credential Definition
Janet-->ID Provider:Proof of Name, Birthdate, Address
Janet->ID Provider: Blinded secret
ID Provider->Janet: credential
Janet->Janet: Validate credential against credential Def
note over Janet,Bar: Janet goes to the bar
note left of Bar: Can Janet Enter?
Bar->Janet: Request Proof of Age
Janet->Valid Time Oracle: Get time
Valid Time Oracle->Janet: Time credential
Janet->Janet:Generate Proof (This person is over 21)
Janet->Bar: Provide Proof
Bar->Bar: Evaluate proof
Bar->Ledger: Verify on Ledger
Ledger->Bar: Verification
Bar->Janet: Come in
note left of Bar: Invite to club
Bar->Janet: Join loyalty club? (requires valid postal code)
Janet->Janet:Generate Proof (postal code)
Janet->Bar: Provide Proof
Bar->Bar: Evaluate proof
Bar->Ledger: Verify on Ledger
Ledger->Bar: Verification
Bar->Janet: Have Loyalty Card
C.2 Crypto Details
Below are some of the detailed mathematics involved in issuing a verifiable
credential as implemented by Sovrin, a non-profit organization dedicated to
managing a decentralized, public network for the purposes of self-sovereign
C.2.1 Issuer Setup
The following setup is a necessary precursor to issuing a privacy-preserving
C.2.1.1 Compute
Perform the mathematical calculations required to curate the essential
ingredients of the operations we are about to perform. Some of these results,
like the private keys, are very sensitive and must be kept secret by the credential
holder; others are to be shared.
Random ๐น', ๐บ', 1024-bit prime numbers, such that ๐น = 2๐น' + 1 and ๐บ = 2๐บ' + 1 are
both 1024-bit prime numbers.
๐ท = ๐น๐บ.
Random quadratic residue: ๐ข mod ๐ท
Random ๐ง๐ฉ, ๐ง๐ก1, . . . , ๐ง๐ก๐ต โ \[2: ๐น'๐บ' - 1\],
where ๐ต is the number of attributes in the credential.
๐ฉ = ๐ข๐ง๐ฉ mod ๐ท
๐ก๐ฒ = ๐ข๐ง๐ก๐ฒ mod ๐ท, 1 โค ๐ฒ โค ๐ต
As a result of the above computations, we then curate the following. This proof,
along with the public keys, is the computational algorithm that will be used to
validate the credential.
The Cred Def is comprised of the public key and the proof of correctness;
this is published to the distributed ledger.
C.2.2 Issuing a Credential
With setup complete, we can now issue the credential in a privacy-preserving
C.2.2.1 For Each Credential
For each credential issued, perform the following operations.
C. Issuer Computes
A cryptographic accumulator is constructed in order to enable zero-knowledge
queries further on. It is a one-way membership function, including the claim in
the membership set. The operation can then answers a query as to whether a
potential candidate is a member of a set without revealing the individual members
of the set.
๐๐ฒ = accumulator index
๐ค๐ฒ = user index
๐ถ2 = ๐๐ช๐ผ๐ฑ ( ๐๐ฒ || ๐ค๐ฒ )
256-bit integer representations of each of the attributes: ๐ถ3 , . . . ,
๐ท0 = nonce
C. Issuer Sends ๐ท0 to Prover
This nonce is provided to the Prover for calculation of the Prover's proof of
Prover Receives ๐ท0 and Computes the Following
The prover aggregates and prepares public keys for use in validating the
signatures. The prover also commits to a chosen value while keeping it temporarily
hidden, making the calculation binding.
Retrieves Issuerโs public key ๐น๐ด๐ฌ
Retrieves Issuerโs proof of correctness
๐ถ1 = pedersen commitment of claim link secret
Random ๐ฟ', ๐ฟ'', ๐ถ'1
๐ท1 = nonce
C. Prover Verifies the Issuerโs Proof of Correctness
๐ฉ^ = ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง''๐ฉ mod ๐ท
๐ก^๐ฒ = ๐ก๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง''๐ก๐ฒ mod ๐ท, 1 โค ๐ฒ โค ๐ต