Kerri Lemoie: More adoption in higher ed than in K12 (some transcript uses in high schools)... Question is what value this brings beyond the status quo ✪
Victoria Feng: How long will it take for usage to take off? ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Open Badges has been in existence over a decade and is still underutilized... pilots for a couple more years, then not sure ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Business models not yet fully considered for decentralized...pilots often in private networks ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: What problems do solutions solve... interesting that many pilots are in private networks... What was your read on nuance behind "why" using blockchain? ✪
Loïc Jeannin: I'd like to ask a question, what is the process ? :) ✪
Kerri Lemoie: I think many are looking at centralized models, considering characteristics of blockchain that are useful (e.g. verification), but not enough use cases ....then can consider how ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Recommendation from report: focus on ecosystems ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Other main use case is to encourage use of standards ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Greenlight is a private network that is working well because it improves processes for students, e.g to apply for college ✪
Kerri Lemoie: In Open Badges we said "It's not about the badge" , about how it is used ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Q about Dalas Comm. College and Greenlight ✪
Kerri Lemoie: Joe May (sp?) started with seeing challenges for students to apply for multiple colleges ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Interesting to see use case around student needs ✪