The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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VC for Education Task Force

Transcript for 2023-10-30

<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> Hello all, giving us a few extra minutes before kicking thigs off
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<cel> transcribing?
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Charles E. Lehner: Hackathon at DIF if interesting to people as a way of and possibly incentivizing certain some kind of or issuance or verification.
PL/T3: Can you can you hear me just a reminder that November 8 is the deadline for those in the u.s. that might be interested in What's called the skills forward RFP which is looking at end-to-end usages of VCS and lers in a skills-based hiring context from issuing through wallet curation and management application to a job and hiring and that.
PL/T3: deadline is.
PL/T3: To add 11:59 Pacific Daylight Time.
PL/T3: It is also the maximum grants are 1.5 million apiece and they expect to award somewhere between 8 and 12 I suspect.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay thanks a lot I will share my screen.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Let me know if you can see my screen in full mode.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay let's go so I'm going to spend like only 5 or 10-minute percent in a very tailor-made and short presentation of the project trying to try to resume to summarize for years of work in five minutes I will be quick I don't know if you have any any via any concept of our our project but just to say that the EPS initiative started in 2020 from the.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Ian block Championship David.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: It was a coalition of the 27 member states Norway little stain on the European commission the main aim of this partnership was to liberate the useful Gene to support public services and to benefit the whole European Society public administration the previous sector and citizens all these based on our Regulatory and Technical sandbox supported by a pan-european infrastructure and the development of use cases and.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: the fcc's infrastructure is based on a dish.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: This is provided by a decentralized network to promote trust from citizens here previous is must we are not storing personal data in a blockchain just information that is required to enable the verification of information this is completely in line with a green agenda of the commission because we are using protocols with a body low consumption of energy we don't have notes mining blocks this is just based on reputation of the participant if Cecil's following with Europeans.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: ovulation like gdpr of a ideas and it's keeping the sword.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Eight because the network is completely supported by member State the European commission doesn't have any role in this network.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Is the the what apps is providing to the verification of the Italy formation I would try to explain this in an approach from bottom to top we have a model that is based on different layers at the bottom we can see the apps in network which is a decentralized network supported member state which is offering a set of services to write and read information in a ledger we have also a complete profile based on a.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: standard together with technical spec.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: To ensure the interoperability between eastwards wallet Three Fires from that we have a set of YF wallet providers that are have technology that is aligned with our specifications later we will show how and what we are doing to ensure the interoperability between this this wallets we have also a set of use cases that are designed from the business sectors and we have a set of factors that are participating in a trust model.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: oh and these are roles that are repeating between the different use cases.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Third use case when we mention a profile this is what we include in a profile to support verify credentials and to support this one's the presentation and the verification of digital information first we explaining how to represent and change the information I mean we are defining a profile to implement protocols for these funds and the presentation of prairie falcon themselves guidelines and also trusted registries refinement.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: store data models that are specifically in every domain.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: We are defining how to identify actors in the exchange of information we have different profiles that are based on the ideas on this Terrace identifiers for no to learning all person we have capabilities to link VC subject and the presenter I mean trusted in the credential percenter binding the credential with with an entity behind MC sangdeok CS Agnostic Front identification is compatible with different current and future I did.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: education means FC profile and so is including how to.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Dorothy is valid information so for that we have deployed set of guidelines to is healer to assign by Falcon serials including support to the current Theatres framework we have a test model to verify its first and accreditation bodies and we have is what Alan is going to be later later the be CSS framework which is a lot of possibilities to enable the verification of the status of different species and finally we consider that the first adoption is key to provide different tools.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: it's so for that we are providing a self-service confirm until.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Different it providers can check if their technology is aligned with our certifications we have to for developers we have an catalog that you can use to send this request to Epsy services and we have also the early adopters program which is an equation program to start piloting different different projects in app see all the all the items that I have already explained they are described in this table in.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: this diagram this is defining the four legged model.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: In the report of an inside the cyber security agency of the commission is you can take this document in in tonight's public this model is defined in four layers to verify information starting by layer 1 which is the facilities the infrastructure to verify information this is the role of the FCC centralized Network we have also set of items that are needed to represent to support the entities for example the ideas we have here wallets we have services.
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> A link to this deck would be helpful.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: A transport a transport protocol to its who and 2% the species based on open ID for BC registry we have the emails that are supporting the different data entities we have processes and procedures and services supporting the life cycle of the default credentials I finally layer for we including here a set of information that should be defined by domain to represent for example how the.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: on the different actors should be aborted.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Which are the process that implanted and Define the issuance processes the process to Define how to activate it the different different models in a complete domain.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay honestly it's important to present here and to provide some some contextual information to the to the next section that Alan will present the different roles that are involved in depth Citrus model here we are defining a trust model that is based on the Saint Rose model that ended in Europe we have been working in the last year's we have some actors.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: that are doing things.
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> @Alen, could you share the link to this deck eventually ?
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Other actors that are creating this actors to do these things in FC we call them The Trusted a gradation organization they are representing the root of trust in every domain in every member State we have actors that are appointed by member state to set the source or the root of trust with a fluid actors The Trusted issuers that are entitled by the previous actor by the.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: the towers and they are able to do.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Action in the example of the of the domain of the domain you escapes or diploma is case we have universities for example that are entitled to issue a diplomat credential in a member state in a concrete jurisdiction.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay so this an example of this sort of models you can see there is a root of trust at the beginning the trunk or the model is flexible and is hierarchical so in this example we can see that the Ministry of Education can entitle other actors in this case we can have Regional bodies that have the that can build an additional trust chain to Define which are the universities in a concrete region or data leader root Tau can Define which is the thrust mode.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: model for the diploma use case in a member State then.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Appointed by the by the router.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: And before finishing just to include here which information we are storing in the blockchain in The Ledger we have information about entities for example we're storing the Deets matching between identifiers and keys we have for the registry which is the trusted is for registry here we include in the verifiable accreditation this is a type of BC that is connected with an entity and it represent the Declaration that at first.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: that is where has we can spin is to pray.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Vacation renovation we have agreed in our roadmap the receiver buffer by fires if the use case needs also to establish a trust model for the relying parties for the verifiers we also include information about credential for example we are including the schemas of the different verify credentials by domain one example for this is the European learning model for diplomas we have false information about the location we understand we are not.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: storing personal data in The Ledger what Wales touring is pointers to.
<alen_horvat_(ebsi)> @Simone, We'll share the deck(s) after the meeting.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Location information for different species and finally included also in our roadmap we include information about water providers so those wallet providers that are offering technology that is informal we set with hep C we are going is including our roadmap to include a registry for this quality providers in this moment we have more than eighteen eighty providers that are offering technology that is conforming with Pepsi.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: so I will quickly share my screen.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: To present our website where you can take more information.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: About the word FC well confirm intestine.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay let me know if you can see my screen again.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Okay so if do yes looking Google or your favorite search engine you can see in our website our wallet confirm and testing here we including services for wallets too.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Sir the compatibility the conformist of that analogy of wallet providers with Epson specifications what we are doing here is to describe four different flows to depending on the the capabilities that you re technology is going to provide focus on the wallet we are defining here the flow from this word to the holder from debris fire to the holder the holder while I dissolve and a different flow for at least another.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Thrice these represent the the flow to check the complete compliance for the.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: That the greatest organization just to mention here that we have started Lake in 2022 this program the reality program this is an incubator program with different partners different projects that wants to test FC they send the request to us in this moment we are working in cluster what does it mean we are collecting different projects different cities that want to Pilot a capability at the main use case.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: verify credentials.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: So what we do.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Join them in a cluster to build a common artist to build a common scenario come on you three stories and to design the design the the journey and to build a common common Journey a compiler between them we haven't won seven clusters for identity maker credentials.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: proof of.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Earth also for Social Security disability use cases so we have a set of projects based on the different species that they want to Pilot so if you are interested we can provide additional information regarding this this program so now I will pass the floor to to Alan and.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: And he's going to present the services that we are providing for for the revocation service.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Yes we can.
<pl/t3> FYI for SkillsFwd further info:
Dmitri Zagidulin: Thank you so much and thank you for the presentation those are the most thorough and cogent slides and revocation I've ever seen so like this is this is fantastic my question is about the high volume High Trust.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Service with limited visibility is the idea there that Epsy itself hosts high-volume API what does what is the trusted service actually look like.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I see and and what about the limited visibility part is the idea that the request for given status is Access Control.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I see I see okay I got it.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Thanks make sense anyone else other questions.
<> Can you talk a bit about how the crytographic accumulator solution works ?
<> thank you
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: If I would take it so we can imagine that suspension is an state in life cycle of a credential but the the life cycle is not limited to that imagine that for example if we're talking about driver license.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Date can be the number of points that are connected to your driving license and when you reach zero this is invalid so in that sense we can suspension as have one choice of many and in the context for example of the start to list this will be very easy we can have like a stool is for revoke.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Or ballot like seed or one we can think in a model where we can Define the different status that can be in this into this life cycle so in that case his suspension is one of the different state that can be heavy Cena in a life cycle in the context of diploma yes I see a good candidate for example the example that you provided that if you don't pay your taxes at any time you can your credential can be on hold.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: can be suspended and it can be activated so.
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Be seen as a temporary relocation.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> Excellent overview. Thank you for sharing today!
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: It's all things house for this opportunity to present AB see and the Gypsy approach for revocation feel free to contact us feel free to join us if you are interested in their level the program or if you want to build an Ipsy conform and Technology like for this works wallet or verifier our order to join the level editor parameter so thanks a lot.
<susan_stroud> Thank you for this informative presentation!
<taylor_kendal> Thank you!
<pl/t3> Thanks everyone!
EC_-_Jose_Manuel_Panizo: Think thanks a lot.