The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference

Transcript for 2023-11-14

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Alright so thank you thanks everyone for joining today today we have quite a bit of interesting topics here today we're very excited to have Daniel right raizy jumping on and actually provide some updates to the open world of foundation and their work but before then just want to quickly go through a couple.
Harrison_Tang: A quick reminder on the code of ethics and professional conduct just make sure that we are respectful to each other and quick IP no intellectual property know anyone can participate in these calls however all substantive contributions to any CCP work items must be member of the ccg with for IPR agreement sign so if you have any questions you guys do that or if you want to get a w3c account just pin any.
Harrison_Tang: of the cultures myself and Kimberly.
<tallted> How much do I hate Jitsi? "You have macOS 10.14.6. The application requires macOS 10.15 or later." and forced update upon quit of the downgraded app will mean that ext launch repeats the cycle.
Harrison_Tang: These calls are being automatically recorded and transcribed and we published these recordings and automatic Auto transcriptions about a couple days later so we have been pretty good on that but if you notice any errors and things like that just let us know we'll try our best to correct them we use GT chat to Q speakers during the call you can type in cubed.
Harrison_Tang: plus to add your.
Harrison_Tang: More q- to remove and you can just do a que question mark on to see who's in the queue.
Harrison_Tang: Right any introductions or reintroductions we are new to the community where you haven't been active but you want to re-engage just feel free to unmute yourself and to speak.
<kymberly_lavigne-hinkley> Hi! Kymberly Lavigne-Hinkley from Western Governors University new to this group. So glad to be here!
Harrison_Tang: I usually people are a little bit shy but toward the end know if we got some time feel free to just unmute and just just introduced and reintroduce yourself all right click moment for announcements and reminders are there any new announcements or reminders for any upcoming events.
Harrison_Tang: Now or any updates on the work items or any projects that people want to share feel free to just type in Q Plus or on mute.
Harrison_Tang: Oh okay alright pretty straightforward again if you have any questions or announcements or reminders that you would want to share with the community but too shy to share here just feel free to reach out to me directly my emails Harrison as and then now I can share that share your behalf.
Harrison_Tang: All right so let's get to the main agenda so I think a little bit over a year ago when open Wallace Foundation started we had the honor to actually had Daniel actually here to talk about what Open Water foundations about and obviously a lot of things have changed a lot of things have a lot of new projects as sprung up actually subscribe to the Open Water Foundation knowing this I CLI activities there so.
Harrison_Tang: so I thought was a good opportunity to invite.
Harrison_Tang: As well as right Tracey Torsen to just come come back here A year later to kind of give an update on the wall open Wallet foundations as well as their project so big thanks to them for taking the time especially Daniel like staying up at 1 a.m. in the midnight to actually join us here big thanks to them but really look forward to hearing what are the newest latest.
Harrison_Tang: cool projects that they've been working.
Harrison_Tang: Not right thanks a lot so Daniel Rai Tracy the floor is yours.
Daniel Buchner: Thank you very much Harrison it's really our pleasure and our honored to be back the open Wallet Foundation is a little over eight months old so I like to say that we're still in diapers but I hope at the end of the call you agree that our little baby is starting to make its first steps and I believe it is starting to be useful.
Daniel Buchner: The base.
Daniel Buchner: The idea has not changed we launched the open Wallet foundation in February the end of February with the goal to bring a diverse group of developers together to create open source software we were very deliberate back then and we're still very deliberate in that we are trying not to be a standard development organization we believe that w3c and others.
Daniel Buchner: It's like.
Daniel Buchner: Hands for the open ID Foundation or the iso Community are doing a fantastic job to create the specifications everything we do of course is based on a Bedrock of Open Standards but we are not going to dabble in the standard scheme what we are trying to do is to bring as many developers as possible together to develop open source components.
Daniel Buchner: What we mean by components is that the wallet space is a very complicated Beast even when you're look at one vertical like say identity you have a lot of different standards you have different credential standards you have different protocols to communicate those credentials and when you're interested in what I would call multi-purpose wallets this is only becoming.
Daniel Buchner: The standard for car keys and keys to your hotel room door even though they both pertain to physical doors are completely different standards you have standards for cryptocurrencies cbc's Fido passkeys airline tickets there's just a lot going on and in an Ideal World if you started with a clean sheet of paper maybe it would be possible.
Daniel Buchner: All to come up with one.
Daniel Buchner: Torment with one architecture and you know really use this one approach for everything but given that there are so many developers and companies and Sovereign governments that are deeply vested into these ecosystems proposing quite different approaches we believe that the best we can do is to bring developers together to create components essentially.
Daniel Buchner: The Lego blocks of.
Daniel Buchner: Approach really is therefore a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down approach the idea of different communities coming together proposing code for different standards and then over time the hope is that if we build a very large tent and we show developers other projects that are going on that there will be synergies some projects May merge some projects may become features of big.
Daniel Buchner: Some developers might decide to end their development and simply join another project but all of this is going to happen bottom up we will never tell developers try to force developers to merge their projects or to come together if that's not what they are what they're trying to do we launched with I think 36 members we now have 55 members.
Daniel Buchner: Some of which are.
Daniel Buchner: He large companies some of which are startups we have a lot of nonprofit organizations and we are really proud of this mixed because an analogy I've been using from the get-go is the chromium project with the rendering engine blink only for digital wallets but we want to make sure that there is not one company utterly dominating the open Wallet Foundation.
Daniel Buchner: And I think.
Daniel Buchner: When you look at the roster of companies so far we're doing an okay job to really have a diverse community of members.
Daniel Buchner: Before the end of the year we're going to formally launch the government advisory Council which is something that is rare for a Linux Foundation project we looked at other gags specifically the government advisory Council of I can in the domain space and the reason why we're so excited about the GAC is that a lot of the credentials in wallets or going to be private like.
Daniel Buchner: Car keys like airline tickets.
Daniel Buchner: The credentials obviously are going to be public like a driver's license or an ID card or maybe the green card in the US.
Daniel Buchner: So fundamentally we believe that it is crucial to bring both the public sector and the private sector together to create meaningful discussion in order to get closer to the ultimate vision of having globally interoperable multi-purpose wallets.
Daniel Buchner: We have at the moment already nine countries that formally signed up to join the governmental advisory Council and we're really excited to talk more about it before the end of the year the heart of the open Wallet Foundation however are not the members or the government's the Heart of Open Wallet really are the developers and the maintainers and they are called projects as well as some really exciting.
Daniel Buchner: Ting special interest groups.
Daniel Buchner: And I'm really excited that Tracy Kurt is on the call she's the chair of the technical advisory Council of the open Wallet foundation and Tracy I hope you might be able to give a quick overview of those of those projects and then whenever someone has a question please use the chat or S Harrison said unmute yourself you know anyone can go to open wallet that Foundation.
Daniel Buchner: Almost everything we do is transparent hopefully this is an opportunity not just for us to present but really to answer any question you may have.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Sorry let me come off mute first and then try to share my screen so thank you Daniel for that I do have some slides I'm going to share so you know I won't be able to see the chat or question so if anybody does have any just got me please and we could go through them so those first part of the presentation is really exactly what Daniel has already said which is what the open Wally presentation.
Tracy_Kuhrt: is home.
Tracy_Kuhrt: A neutral home for open source project supporting the development of interval interoperable digital wallet the open source Community is 100% open night so it's a technical community that we expect anybody to be able to come in and participate in and you do not need to be a member of the open Wallet foundation in order to contribute code contribute your ideas contribute your thoughts and we'll talk about the places where.
Tracy_Kuhrt: you might bring your ideas and thoughts and there are few people I've seen.
Tracy_Kuhrt: All that have joined a lot of these calls already so thank you for that well hopefully not bore you too much with things that you've already seen but if you do obviously have anything to add to this group please do add that one of the things that I think is important is that you know we should talk about this sorts of code that should be contributed Daniel talked about components that we can have built for us in the open source.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And the architecture sing the special interest group focused on architecture at one point had a brainstorm about the type of topics that we think should go into a digital wallet engine architecture and you can see those listed here on the screen I do think that you know this is probably not all inclusive it's a good list but it's probably not a complete list and so if there are other things that people think are important to add.
Tracy_Kuhrt: to this list or to bring.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Potential projects within the open Wallet Foundation then obviously please do that don't hesitate to bring your ideas and thoughts to this community so Daniel asked me to kind of go through the different projects that we have and the special interest groups while I'm doing this let me also just place in the chat a link to the slide so that if anybody would like to have a link to the slides they can have a link to the slides.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Today we have developed within the technical advisory console a Project Life Cycle for projects that come into the open Wallet Foundation those projects start with a proposal to the technical advisory Council and that proposal must be accepted by the technical advisory Council in order to be accepted into the open Wallet Foundation now the technical advisory council is currently made up of.
Tracy_Kuhrt: A member of Premier Companies as well as a member to members of the at-large community in the future we expect that this will probably change to better reflect the sorts of projects that we do have in the open Wallet Foundation but currently in order to get us started this is this is where we started the active stages that a project can be in our Labs growth.
Tracy_Kuhrt: and impact solo.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Our projects that are really have the potential to be very important to the open Wallet Foundation ecosystem but they are maybe early or experimental in the work that they're doing and they're really looking to foster a collaborative development environment within the open Wallet Foundation community so bringing other people who are also interested in developing that Source base together in order to ensure that those projects become either.
Tracy_Kuhrt: oh Thor impact projects in the future.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Projects are projects that are really a bit beyond the early and experimental stage they built a community of different sorts of maintainers they're really looking to grow that Community beyond what it is now potentially looking to figure out how to do releases within the projects and you know really what we would consider maybe a teenager sort of thing right where those those.
Tracy_Kuhrt: let's have some sort of.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Not complete majority of being used in different sorts of production environments now the impact projects on the other hand have really reached those girl pools that they've set out for themselves there's their sustaining a good cycle of development and maintenance and long-term support for those projects they have been used in production projects so potential wallets that are out there being used by the larger ecosystem.
Tracy_Kuhrt: system and so those are what we would consider impact.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Projects the next stage that we have obviously is we all know that software goes through a life cycle where typically they reach an end of life where they're not being maintained anymore because there's something new that's come out potentially and has replaced it or the maintainers have moved on to something else and so the Emeritus stage is what we would consider are in an active stage.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Any questions on that.
Harrison_Tang: Now I don't see any questions.
Harrison_Tang: I don't.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Sounded like maybe somebody came up with okay it's settled love you too when to make sure there was nothing there so then if we take a look at our current projects so these are the projects that have been acceptance accepted into the open Wallet Foundation they're currently all in Labs stage so they're very early in their development stage and there are people that have brought these to the open Wallet Foundation are.
Tracy_Kuhrt: are again looking to have people come in.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And help develop these code projects that we have.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I don't know whose immediate but there is some background noise just if you are the person who is on the unit so those projects that we have there right now listed here in order of when they were accepted or approved into the open Wallet Foundation but we do have three different projects or focused on St John's so Joshua selective disclosure there in Python kotlin and JavaScript we have a project.
Tracy_Kuhrt: it is called the farm worker wallet operating.
Tracy_Kuhrt: This is load code components for the mendax platform that can be used to create digital wallets we had a conversation IW that maybe this was a poorly named project because it isn't necessarily focused completely on Farm Workers but really on those load code components so there was a discussion about whether or not the maintainers wanted to rename this obviously the maintainers haven't come to us and asked us for that yet so it is still named the farm worker.
Tracy_Kuhrt: But if you are interested in low code and specifically the men decks platform then it's very possible that you could work with them to develop additional components that could be used to create digital wallets we've got the verifiable credential API so this is currently a draft standard but it is an implementation of that draft standard that is in rest that includes operations such as credential issuance verification.
Tracy_Kuhrt: and exchange we also have.
Tracy_Kuhrt: You want from work done.
Tracy_Kuhrt: So this was a project that actually started in the hyper laser Foundation it used to be called Aries dotnet and it became non maintained in the hyper Ledger Foundation but the there has been some work that's being done by the maintainers of this project and they wanted to bring this specifically to the open Wallet foundation and they want to expand the work that it has already done.
Tracy_Kuhrt: to enable.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Of the open ID for VC and the SD jut verifiable credential so really focusing in on the European identity while initiative objectives we have a project that we're currently calling alloy we're still trying to figure out if that is a good project game or if we need another project name but this is the proposal by Google to bring in their Android libraries and reference applications for working with verifiable credentials and identity.
Tracy_Kuhrt: so that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: We'll figure out what the right team is for that but hopefully we'll get that one right over to the open world Foundation repositories here shortly and then just as an FYI we do actually have two more proposals that are in the pipe that we will be reviewing at tomorrow's technical advisory council meeting there also for SD jot implementations one and one in Rust now the interesting thing with the
Tracy_Kuhrt: that one is you can see that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Wallet framework dotnet project is interested in developing SDG&E for verifiable credentials and so what one of the things I suggested to the proposers of the sdg dotnet is that they work with the wallet framework dotnet folks to work together to implement that so that there's not duplicative work that's ongoing but that's one of the great things about the open source projects like this is that you can't really have a conversation and start to see where.
Tracy_Kuhrt: where there's interest across.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Jax I'm really hopefully bring them together in a collaborative format to you to work together now as Daniel said that it's completely up to maintainers as to whether they follow through on that but it is something that we can offer to them as a suggestion to see if that's something that they would like to work on.
Tracy_Kuhrt: All right any questions on the the project before I move off to the community meetings which are the special interest groups in the past courses.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry I got a question do you mind kind of clarifying between what's the difference between like wallet framework dotnet and farmworker wallet are they just different initiatives in building a basically a digital wallet.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah it's separate initiatives you know brought to you the opening light Foundation from different sets of maintainers the farm worker wallet OS Project was brought to us by into dad and the United Farm Workers Association and you know what they had done was they had developed a digital wallet specifically for.
Tracy_Kuhrt: or markers.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And they said well there's pieces here that can be used by other people who want to create digital wallets but maybe aren't as expert in the the area of code development and so if we bring these little components that we built for the mendax platform into the open want Foundation then there are other people who might also want to use the mendax platform to create their own wallet initiatives so really this is about the complete.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Physically about the farm worker wallet and then the wallet framework dotnet is implementation of different sorts of protocols that are used for verifiable credentials as I mentioned it started in Aries as implementing the area's profile I think it was version one that they implement it and so that project kind of reached an end.
Tracy_Kuhrt: end of life within the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And put a set of people said you know what this is something that we think is really interesting and could be used as we develop wallets for the European identity wallet and so we should bring that code into the open Wallet Foundation where we can continue the work that was started in the hyper Ledger Foundation by adding to that things like the open ID for verifiable credentials in the SD job verifiable credentials implementation.
Tracy_Kuhrt: so all of these projects are.
Tracy_Kuhrt: In the set of maintainers that have brought these projects to the open Wallet Foundation they all have a different idea about how they would go about developing the the wallet component for others to use in the future and and so we're giving these maintainers a space within the open Wallet Foundation to do that development and hopefully bring others along who are also interested in developing the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: the same.
Tracy_Kuhrt: There are potentially within the same language using our language framework that that is exist for these different projects so hopefully that gave a good idea but the difference is here.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you it will need the or concerns about the overlap of work because since they are all about building wallets like can there be like yeah like redundancies in some ways other such concern we're not really.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah I mean obviously there's don't know if it's a concern but there is a it is something that we're watching right within the technical advisory Council as we bring these projects in you know this this SE jot dotnet which isn't missing here because it hasn't been approved yet is something that when they proposed it I was like you know what I already know that the wallet framework done that wants to do similar sort of work.
Tracy_Kuhrt: so can you work with these people.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I have a project proposed to if nothing else have them used your implementation of the SD jot in bring that into as a library into the wallet framework dotnet right so we're definitely keeping an eye on I'm kind of these overlaps if you will because we do expect that there will be a number of different overlaps people have different ideas about ways to implement things they have different programming languages that they're looking.
Tracy_Kuhrt: going to you.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And so we want to see before we bring projects into that growth stage or that impact stage that they have worked with the rest of the community they've had these conversations about ways in which you know they might work together you know and grow that Community to focus on you know implementing together and you know obviously we'll see how this all works out in the future but there is definitely something that is if not.
Tracy_Kuhrt: top of mind.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Of our minds as we review these different project proposals that come in.
Harrison_Tang: Got it thank you.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry I got one more curiosity question so we all know that Google has a wallet right on their Android platform so they are they are bringing alloy into Open Water foundations because they want to Foster like basically like an open Wallet ecosystem is that is that what it is or like because I think some people might think that platforms as innate incentives to actually protect their own services but in this case I seems the opposite.
Harrison_Tang: I just want just want to see if you have any insight.
Harrison_Tang: Is proprietary or confidential information you don't have to share it.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yeah I don't have anything specific although I do know obviously Google is Big open source supporter they have obviously open-source Android they've open sourced a lot of a lot of projects under CN CF so I think in this particular case wallets is a area of interest for them and they want to ensure that people you know can use the different open source libraries that they're developing.
Tracy_Kuhrt: and I you know again my.
Tracy_Kuhrt: So opinion about probably why they brought it to the open Wallet Foundation is that this was obviously a place that made sense for them to bring this and there are so many people focused in on identity and and really allowing people to use these Android libraries well you know increase that ecosystem and benefit that ecosystem but then you I don't know you may have had other conversations with Google was as to why they were contributing.
Tracy_Kuhrt: it's code to the open Wallet Foundation specifically but.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Not sure if you have any additional adds to that.
Daniel Buchner: Yeah I mean we cannot speak on behalf of Google of course I do think from our conversations with Google with Google that they do like the fact that we're not religious we're not trying to push people in a certain direction and we are really aiming to create code that is useful in as many countries for as many use cases as possible and when you are someone who has a wallet that.
Daniel Buchner: It is.
Daniel Buchner: By so many people in so many countries I think that is an attractive proposition and there will also be some announcements with regards to Google code and code that the European Union is using their reference wallet in the future so stay tuned we hope to have some nice announcements in the next one or two months.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thanks.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Anything else on the the projects.
Harrison_Tang: Now I think the right now there's no other questions.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Okay so then let's move on to the community meetings that we have so we do have a number of different types of meetings within the open Wallet Foundation we do have the governance type meetings the technical adviser console is completely open to anyone who would like to join this is where we talk about the governance of the technical community setting things like the Project Life Cycle you know developing any sort of process.
Tracy_Kuhrt: s's that will help us better understand.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Health of these different projects and that sort of work is ongoing there we also do within the technical advisor console except to special interest groups and task forces that would like to operate under the banner of the open Wallet foundation and then we obviously maintain a history of what's going on in those different special interest groups and task forces so so kind of getting a.
Tracy_Kuhrt: updates about what's happening there.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Being brought back to the the technical advisor console we actually have our first update coming tomorrow in our meeting on the open ID for VC due diligence task force we do have the government advisory console that Daniel mentioned this is made up of different governments and is obviously no set for those particular audiences and we do have the governing board that is focused on things like strategy and the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: it for the open Wallet Foundation.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Do you have special interest groups so a number of those have already been formed within the open Wallet Foundation I think I mentioned the architecture special interest group that came up with that brainstorm a list of components basically what we've been doing there as we started out we were talking to a number of different folks and having them do presentations on different aspects of the different sorts of architectures for wallets so we've had.
Tracy_Kuhrt: oceans on things like backup and Recovery we've had.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Turns on what it would look like to maybe have a plug-in architecture within the open Wallet foundation and a number of different people who done work in this space already come in and have conversations with the architecture Sig for the last few months what we've been doing is trying to have a specific discussion on the components so core components that we think would be necessary for a digital wallet and what those sorts of requirements and the architecture might.
Tracy_Kuhrt: might look like for that so one of the big ones that we were did work through is.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Key Management Services and we've got a document that is out there that talks about you know the way that we might architect that as well as some of the trade-offs obviously it also talks about the principles that we would expect to have and so I think that's a really good sort of format for what we would like to get continuing out of the architecture special interest group yesterday we did have Google come in and have a conversation with us about the different.
Tracy_Kuhrt: the apis that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: On which is work that's ongoing in actually another standards group but it is information that I think is very useful to have presented to this group within the open Wallet Foundation to understand what's happening that outside the space of the open Wallet Foundation that are going to basically Drive different sorts of requirements coming in to digital wallets the second special interest group that we have is a credential format comparison special interest.
Tracy_Kuhrt: poop so this group is.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Based on comparing the different sorts of credential formats so they actually have a table it started at I think a pass iiw or maybe another conference where they started putting this together and they're continuing to work in the discussion around that particular table and its output in the open Wallet foundation so you know we can obviously point you to all of the the good output that's coming from this group.
Tracy_Kuhrt: They looking at a number of different credential formats and comparing and contrasting those also allowing for you to filter on the different sorts of attributes that exist within that comparison table so that you can see they're specifically if you're looking for something that supports selective disclosure you can see the different sorts of credential formats that decent Sports selective disclosure and those sorts of things so really interesting work that's ongoing there and.
Tracy_Kuhrt: you know they have a.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Ages that we can point you to that you can actually see the output from that work that's being done there the digital wallets and agents overview Stig is something that recently started they had one meeting so far but their intention is to create a table that has a different overviews of both digital wallets in agents and allows people to do both comparison of what exists out there today.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Is potentially seeing where put potential additional features could be added to wallets or agents that other while it's an agent potentially support and so you know the hope is really that there will be a similar sort of table that exists online that people can go to and and filter on and see specific information about the available digital wallets agents that are out there the safe wallet Sig is.
Tracy_Kuhrt: focus in on defining what it means.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Wallet so focusing in on different sorts of categories that can be used things like accountability things like security things like auditability and a number of different I think there's 10 different categories that are being defined for what it is but really looking at you know helping at a very basic easy to understand and readable by a number of different.
Tracy_Kuhrt: audiences to.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Means to have a safe wallet come so you know really defining the criteria behind each of these different categories for best practices for safe wallet and then potentially being able to allow folks to score their wallets against this criteria to see how many of those are met and then obviously we know that you know for different sorts of use cases you might need different sorts of safety requirements and so.
Tracy_Kuhrt: so being able to see if a particular wallet.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Requirements based on the use case that you have in mind and so those are our special interest groups and then the the other type of meeting that we have our task forces so these are supposed to be short running focused in on a particular task and working to complete that task within a certain amount of time so the open ID for VC due diligence task force was created to really.
Tracy_Kuhrt: really understand what the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Oh I do.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Specification is and then to find projects that we might be able to bring into the open warrant Foundation to support those requirements and that specification and so that work is ongoing they are currently working very closely with the people from the oid foundation the open ID foundation and currently working on trying to define a baseline sort of.
Tracy_Kuhrt: What it would be to allow for different interoperable type bullets so lots of work going on there I actually think that this task force has turned into more of a special interest group that is more long-running but also has some tasks that they're trying to to create and so I know they have an update tomorrow and we might have a conversation about you know whether it makes sense for them to continue as a task force or whether it makes more sense for them to move into that special interest groups and say oh.
Tracy_Kuhrt: definitely longer running sort of.
Tracy_Kuhrt: A group that's having conversations specifically around the open ID for VC specifications.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Questions on the the meetings that we have within the open Wallet foundation and the work that they're doing.
Harrison_Tang: Not at this moment.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Okay that's fine.
Tracy_Kuhrt: All right so if you would like to get involved there are a few different mechanisms for you to do so we do have a set of mailing list that you can subscribe to we have the technical advisory Council mailing list that will provide you with the meeting agenda and meeting notes from any of the technical advisory Council meetings that we have we have a mailing list is called technical discussed where a number of different technical.
Tracy_Kuhrt: discussions go.
Tracy_Kuhrt: And so you know if you are interested in joining any of the mailing list feel free to go and subscribe to those we also have a Discord server the Discord server has channels for the different projects that we have as well as the different special interest groups that task force is the technical advisor Consul and so you know there's a lot of communication that is ongoing in those if you're interested in getting involved in one of those special interest groups or the task.
Tracy_Kuhrt: of course you can always join those discussions and.
Tracy_Kuhrt: You what's going on in those specific areas we have two different github's we have the main open Walnut Dash Foundation GitHub organization where we expect any impact and growth stage projects to exist but it also has the governance the special interest group in the task force repos if they have every Bill and then we have a GitHub for the labs into this is where today you can find all of the different projects that.
Tracy_Kuhrt: a different source code for the different projects that we currently have.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Should we also have a community calendar it's a Google Calendar that shows all of the different project meetings I'm sorry all of the different meetings that we have on the calendar so those special interest groups to task Force's technical advisory council meeting and so if you're interested in taking a look and joining one of our calls please don't hesitate to join this is your invitation don't need an invitation but if you are interested in joining us please don't hesitate.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Tate to join us and participate in the discussions that we're having.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Just bring this light up which is our sponsors within the overall and Foundation I know Daniel already mentioned our sponsors but this is who if you'd like to see their particular logos on a single screen on this is he's actually sponsoring the open world Foundation as of when I put these slides together always and last week so yeah I think that's it for me and if you do have any questions or Daniel if you'd like to close out.
Tracy_Kuhrt: with anything.
Tracy_Kuhrt: I guess it's time to do that.
Daniel Buchner: Maybe just one more comment we recently announced Partnerships with both EMV Co and the fighter Alliance the idea of these liaison agreements is to build code on top of those standards and to work with those organizations to identify both relevant members as well as relevant projects and you know we would love to do to enter a.
Daniel Buchner: Allure arrangement with.
Daniel Buchner: See we are in touch with some people at w3c and we very much hope that this is going to happen because as we said at the beginning we are not standard development organization we are dependent on those standards and we're trying to bring people together who are interested in great reference code great libraries on top of those standards Tracy thank you very much for for this presentation I hope you learn something.
Daniel Buchner: Thing I hope.
Daniel Buchner: Some some questions either now or you know via email drop us a line we're always interested to hear from you.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Just one other comment on this particular slide deck there are a number of Links at the end of this document that will take you to information about the different projects or the different Community meetings or even our governance documents so if you are interested in taking a deeper look please don't hesitate to do that.
Harrison_Tang: So I do have one question so I see that there is a special interest group called digital wallet and agent so I'm wondering if you're using the term digital wallet agent interchangeably or is there a difference between the two.
Daniel Buchner: It's a great question and please go ahead Tracy.
Tracy_Kuhrt: Yep so yeah I was just going to say the the way in which the special interest group is defining those is slightly different the wallet I believe they're defining more in terms of the holder wallet and then the agents are more around the issuer and the verifier side but yeah I'd have to I'd have to specifically.
Tracy_Kuhrt: look at the.
Tracy_Kuhrt: The way in which they've defined it in the the GitHub repo in order to completely answer that question but I'm pretty sure I got that right.
Harrison_Tang: Cool thanks Adrian.
Adrian Gropper: Yes so we've recently seen for civil society organizations starting to talk about this they were doing it in the context of TSA related wallets to organize and coordinate their responses to what's going on can you say anything about.
Adrian Gropper: Your strategy or your your experience so far in trying to bring in outfits like uff ACLU CDT and Epic into this work.
Daniel Buchner: Adrian this is a brilliant question the report you mentioned actually includes a brief reference to open Wallet foundation and we have reached out to them in the past and use the fact that they mentioned open wallet to reach out again Civil Society organizations I think are naturally and probably with good reason we re whenever someone reaches out.
Daniel Buchner: Out that.
Daniel Buchner: Civil Society to whitewash their efforts and I told them that this is not what I would want for open Wallet projects because I'm sure there will be some amazing projects coming out of open wallet but it will probably also because of our inclusive approach that will probably also project coming out of old wallet that you know don't live up to the highest ideals of privacy.
Daniel Buchner: For instance.
Daniel Buchner: I want two things ideally from Civil Society organizations one that they understand that the open Wallet Foundation is neither good nor bad but really A Place for conversations and hopefully they will agree that having such a place is better than not having such a place we're also thinking of how to work best with civil society organizations to.
Daniel Buchner: Create a dialogue with those organizations just like the one that we will have with government officials we have two of those systems at the moment one is the associate membership the other our fee is on agreements were discussing with these organizations if one of those are interesting to them or if we should explore maybe something closer to the governmental advisory Council for civil society.
Daniel Buchner: Nations I think all of.
Daniel Buchner: Just have a few pros and cons but whatever wherever we end up with the Hope definitely is that Civil Society organizations are going to be an integral part of what we're trying to do.
Harrison_Tang: Thanks Daniel any other questions for Daniel Tracy.
Daniel Buchner: And we also have R I hear Ryan is actually going to manage the the tooling so if anyone has a question about the actual tools that are being used how GitHub or Discord are being used right is the right person to answer that.
Harrison_Tang: Anyone got tough questions for right.
Harrison_Tang: All right well if people have any questions please feel free to just direct it to Daniel Tracy or Rye or actually just you can reach out to me and I can forward to them as well but I just want to thank you guys again Daniel Tracy right thanks thanks for jumping in here and then provide this great update and presentations I totally agree I think having a place for conversations is better than having no place for conversation.
Harrison_Tang: creation so.
Harrison_Tang: In having that you know interesting any kind of wallet related initiatives and Technical Projects please feel free to just go directly to open Wallet Foundation.
Harrison_Tang: Right thanks a lot and are there any other questions or issues or agendas that people want to bring on feel free to just um you or typing Cube plus into the queue.
<daniel> Thank you again for the invitation!
Harrison_Tang: All right that's it and thanks thanks Daniel thanks Tracy this concludes this week's CG meeting thanks a lot.
Ry_Jones_(OWF): Thanks for having us bye bye.