The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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VC for Education Task Force

Transcript for 2024-02-26

<dmitri_zagidulin> Hello everyone, welcome to today's Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call. Let's start with the usual IP Note: Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed. Please note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot transcriber and we also do an audio and a video recording. If you want to speak, please raise your hand, or type “q+” in the chat to add yourself to the queue.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Oh I'm preparing preparing to record okay now it's doing it.
Dmitri Zagidulin: All right so welcome everyone uh to the now weekly.
Dmitri Zagidulin: VC Adu task force call where a task force in the w3c credentials community group you do not have to be a member of the group to be on this call.
Dmitri Zagidulin: If you do find yourself wanting to work on any of the specifications uh that we work on here you do need to join the group and sign the IP agreement.
<carlo_cavicchioli_|_azulchain> Carlo_AZULchain: present+
Dmitri Zagidulin: So if you're interested in that contact 1 of the chairs and we'll set you up uh also we we abide by the w3c code of conduct.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh let's see what other boiler plates right.
Dmitri Zagidulin: So let's start with um introductions and reintroductions so is anyone new to the call that wants to reduce themselves or.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh somebody who haven't uh introduced themselves uh for a long time.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Would want to do that.
Dmitri Zagidulin: All right uh nobody on the Queue and speaking of which.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh oh recording has stopped Let's uh let's restart it.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Dmitri Zagidulin: And as always we use Jutsu chat.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Aha okay Kia go ahead.
Kaliya Young: Sure um we've got the internet identity Workshop coming up um April 16 to 18 in Mountain View California.
Kaliya Young: Meaning if uh the price is on the website are too high you really want to be there we're always willing to work with you.
Kaliya Young: And we just for folks who are listening who are thinking ahead um we also have a diversity inclusion scholarship kind of program that's ongoing but I think they're all I don't I think they're all taken for this 1 but like there's even deeper support if you need it to be present um.
Kaliya Young: And then um.
Kaliya Young: The good thing is um IBEW has expanded with some Regional events uh we have the digital identity unconference your upcoming up.
Kaliya Young: June 18 to 20th in Zurich which is not the most expensive city in the world we make sure we have good cheap places for people to say 1 Guy even camped on the lake last time and took the tram to the conference which was cool.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> :D
Kaliya Young: A regional event in South Africa the third week or fourth week of september unfortunately it conflicts with TPAC.
Kaliya Young: And uh we're working on an event in Thailand for the APAC region in January 2025 so.
Kaliya Young: Reporting Regional conversations the.
Kaliya Young: Conversation that was still at IBEW twice a year so that's it that's it for me.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Thank you Kalia excellent.
Dmitri Zagidulin: In that case uh let's proceed to our main event so we're excited to have ildico who uh is our new co-chair at the VC edu task force.
Dmitri Zagidulin: On some of her work in the European learning model.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Over to you.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Can yes we can.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Wait wait uh before uh before you dive into the detail can I don't think uh or rather uh I'm fairly sure several of the people on the call are unfamiliar with the mapping project so if you want to say a few words about it no worries.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> here's info on the mapping project
<laura_paglione> Thank you!! Yes some background!!
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> and a link directly to the mapping, which is all open
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> If you want to see the mapping that Ildiko is referring to visit and select "Microcredential Mapping" and Submit. There's five abstract classes mapped. Use the buttons/navigation to see the related mappings for Assertion, Micro-credential Claimd etc..
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> Phil is on the call, and so is Jeanne, who are leading the mapping
<phil_barker> I am here :) I don't see Nate O.
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> The Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) is mapped with the Micro-Credential Specification and Owner/Offerer abstract classes.
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> The global micro-credential schema mapping is a CTDL Advisory Group project. The CAG came up with examples of benefits of this mapping
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Challenging for sure, but very interesting and educational.
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> There is a group in the U.S. proposing a US Qualifications Framework. However, it is not within government.
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> Hot off the press, Navigating the Micro-Credential Landscape: A Global Mapping Initiative
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> there is work underway for a US qualification framework
<phil_(t3)> LOL - yes change in HE in the US is challenging
<jeanne_kitchens,_credential_engine> Great conversation. I have to leave for another meeting. The Credential Engine team is happy to answer any questions about the mapping and how the DESM tool works after this meeting
<laura_paglione> is the DESM tool only intended for VC/ decentralized identity schema, or is the intention for it to be used for any data schema used across multiple domains.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> @Laura any schemas in any domains, and the tool is open source
<xavi_español_(nttdata)> Does this spine grow with the addition of attributes? Not sure if I understand the mechanics.
<laura_paglione> thx
<phil_barker> Yes, Xavi the spine grows as terms are added from schemas as & when they are needed
<dmitri_zagidulin> я?
<kerri_lemoie> Should Verifiable Credentials be added to the Microcredentials framework?
<phil_(t3)> That's a really important point Phil B. Ildiko really made that clear.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Exactly, @Phil (T3)
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> it also does not need to be "standards"- It can be any schema
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks!