The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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VC for Education Task Force

Transcript for 2024-03-11

<alex_h> no
<stuart_freeman> yes
<justin_mason> yes
<simone> Hello everyone, welcome to today's Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call. Let's start with the usual IP Note: Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed, that you can find on the w3c website, and there is a link to this in the agenda we send out before every meeting. Please note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot transcriber and we also do an audio and a video recording. If you want to speak, please raise your hand by clicking on the raise hand button on the call's tool bar, or type “q+” in the chat to add yourself to the queue.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Okay I think.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh hopefully you'll you'll be joining shortly.
Kaliya Young: Hi um I'll just share that we have the internet identity Workshop coming up in April.
Kaliya Young: From the 16th to the 18th in Mountain View California.
Kaliya Young: We have the digital identity unconference Europe.
Kaliya Young: The 18th to the 20th of June in Zurich.
Kaliya Young: And did unconference Africa the 25th to 27th in South Africa.
Kaliya Young: And we're still finalizing a date for the AP pack digital identity unconference in Thailand and January 2025.
Kaliya Young: And all those are unconference is run the way IBEW runs with the agenda co-created live the day of the event.
Kaliya Young: Our goal is really to support.
Kaliya Young: Regional conversations um that feel like they're needed as the Technologies expand and go out into the real world.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> I can't see Phil on the Participant list.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh thank you so much Simone for the for the recap uh couple of questions 1 is about the trusted metadata uh project that you mentioned at the end is that.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): is that sort of.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): The required fields.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Open badges spec has right now.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): I see I see.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Got it so it's definitely something to keep an eye on okay uh and then my my other question was uh you mentioned employment uh Records so which which has been uh definitely on my mind uh as I'm involved in a couple of projects that are data modeling sort of verifiable employment credentials and so.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): My question is has there been much conversation about the.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Side of things rather than the traditional education side that 1 at Tech uh engages in.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Yeah absolutely I think that would be that would be really helpful of us here at VC edu to.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh at least start discussing if not even uh data modeling some um.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Verifiable employment examples uh taking a look at some of the older diff work.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): That LinkedIn may or may not uh be also using uh some of.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): The approach the uh HR open lrrs approaches to employment credentials and so on yeah so that's that's definitely something that I'm looking forward to in this community.
<gillan_ward> As part of pre-employment checks for onboarding in the UK NHS we have defined data schemas for verifying both employment and references
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> @Gillian - oh! that's great. are there any links to schemas we can look at?
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): A Gillian in chat or uh or Jillian um in chat mentioned that uh the UK NHS.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> That sounds interesting, @Gillan.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh data schema ecosystem may have uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Verify employment and reference uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Credentials schemas so that'll be really interesting.
<gillan_ward> It's Gillan - I will see what we can share
<gillan_ward> It should be being published soon
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> @Gillan ahhh thanks! misread that extra i :)
<gillan_ward> ;-)
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Anybody else um any any other questions about.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh the 1 at that conversation.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Alternatively uh if.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): If you're working on a project uh that that is interested in.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh verified employment verified resumes that sort of thing uh please hop on a queue tell us about it uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): It's good to hear um feedback and other voices on on the topic.
<gillan_ward> happy to share a breif update
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Colin go ahead.
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> @Gillan - please do! hop on the queue!
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Hello hello uh thanks for calling that out explicitly Demetrius most directly the lrrs the resume standard that open HR has been uh working on I think is of interest to some of our.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Employer Partners through you know there's a lot of conversation at least in the states around skills first tiring and skills first practices to remove uh specifically to remove the degree requirement from a lot of um application processes uh I think something in this whole conversation around digital credentials and uh ler's uh that arises for employers is sort of a standard or or way they can think about the next iteration and the irony is not lost on me when they ask about a standard for something even though they use a self created resume currently um but the lrs the resume standard I think is growing um in interest and smart resume as a partner that we work with who has a.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Basically a version of that that can present verified credentials with the verification layer baked in but can also export as a PDF for you know traditional hiring processes but it proposes to plug into any system and offer representation of those verified credentials in 1 vehicle and I know they participated in you know the pokefest of the past but I think that's an area where we're seeing a lot of interest from Partners in in our projects and we've sort of 2 projects 1's called The Last Mile the higher that we have uh I've mentioned here before but we are looking at a next phase of that that would engage employers more directly in that in that hiring process so we've gone through an understanding phase with some some big Employers in the states uh.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: to understand.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Understand what those challenges.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: In the hiring process in upskilling uh because and so I think having some kind of standard or some kind of signal at least for them.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Mint or the.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Of all these.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: In in that.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Out their HR.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Systems can accept credentials and unpack the data that's inside of them is a separate question but at least showing the layer of verification and showing this that skills and and other attestations have been validated um through the whether it's working you know the experience they have as an employee uh or its experiences that they're gaining through non-degree or not credit courses um has the interest there has really has really increased at least with the partners we've been talking to so.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: all that.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Is really valuable.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Um because really a lot of these groups want to see something that is simple and easy that that contains all of all of this stuff so.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: that's what.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Just a little.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: And happy to talk more.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Anyone who is.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Side of the world.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Reports that I'm happy to share.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: If people are interested.
David Ward: Can can you hear me okay yeah.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): We can yes and how do we how do we pronounce your name again.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Gillan got it.
David Ward: It's it's Gillan Gillan yeah it's an unusual name a place in Cornwall in the UK yeah.
David Ward: You all uh yeah so so I I I'll try and be brief um basically in the NHS which is the National Health Service in the UK we're looking to create a digital staff passport which is a wallet a digital wallet which will hold verifiable credentials it's already um in be public beta now um and the idea is to get Health Care Professionals onto the ward working the first phase of the project is about pre-employment checks which includes right to work checks criminal record checks identity checks um employment checks um and and there's some more and then there's other checks that they do which are statutory mandatory training they have to do education checks which is why I I I sort of joined this forum in the first place.
<colin_reynolds,_ed_design_lab> For those unfamiliar, this is the LER-RS I mentioned:
David Ward: And then ultimately it's all about access to locations and systems um so they they can work on the ward ugh for the for the uh in in the UK we have about 10,000.
David Ward: Um different.
David Ward: Legal entities that doctors and Health Care Professionals can move between each time they have a legal op obligation to do a lot of these checks.
David Ward: Um um when you have doctors in training uh or post-graduate training as part of their work in hospitals they have to move between you know 4 months stints where they move between different hospitals to get their training and each time they need a reference um and um you know historically it's taken a long time for Consultants to provide references to the doctors in training um and sometimes they can't remember because there might be 50 or 60 per person of rotation and then the doctors come back and ask 4 months down the line they can't remember so the 1 of the most important ones was this reference so it's very much in this context within the NHS however because um we have to employ people from outside of the UK and ultimately he'd go and work elsewhere it's both public and private sector.
David Ward: Um so yeah so so lots to talk about but I I just wanted to give you a quick update and I'll share we're publishing the we wrote takes a long time it's public sector so we we published um our trust framework with all the data specifications for all of the verifiable credentials that we have currently um and they should be available very soon it's taken about 3 years to actually get them published but yeah that's great update thank you very much.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Thank you so much Galen uh quick quick question is uh is this project related to the uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): To some of the solid bod initiatives uh NHS.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Was experimenting with.
David Ward: No it's separate it's separate from that so this is all about digital wallets and um verify the credentials not solids not not.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): And is is a targeting a mobile wallet or a web based wallet.
David Ward: A mobile it says very much focused on the mobile at the moment as you're aware the the NHS is allegedly the fifth largest employer in the world so there's lots of different entities who have different initiatives um across it but we're working with NHS England which is the 1 that um comes directly from the Department of Health down so um.
David Ward: That's what it's doing yeah.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Sounds great yeah please uh keep keep us updated on how that goes I think a lot of us here would be really interested uh in that project.
David Ward: I will thanks.
<gillan_ward> Happy to
<gillan_ward> Will keep you posted
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): So can you say more uh portability in what sense.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Yeah I'm I'm curious about.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): What 1 AD Tech is going to do with uh their badge connect as well because I think the the overall verified credential ecosystem uh has standard portability.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Protocols like the open ID and VC API uh family of protocols so I I think the larger Community is just not familiar with the badge connect API.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Given that 1 adtech open Badges and CLR version 2.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh have have moved to verify the credentials on the data model.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): There's there's no real reason.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): For them not to embrace the uh verify the credential protocols as well right like if you're a new developer.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Or new Implement sorry.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh entering into the badge space.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): He is there any incentive to implement the badge connect API.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): I think that'll be 1 of the main questions.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh for 1 a deck 2.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Sort out an answer.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Yeah sounds good.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh all right so we can we can wrap up this call Early uh although there there's something else we wanted to at least start the conversation about and that is the.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Subscribing aspect of our calls.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): The the chairs have been.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Talking about is it time to.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): For for those.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): For those unfamiliar uh ccg.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): I would say it's a couple years ago.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): To scribe its calls manually right so there's there's always at the beginning of every call the dreaded call prescribes.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Which is both.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Which is a mixed blessing.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): It's always hard to do and sometimes the transcription quality is uneven but at least you've got a human on the transcribing end and the notes are pretty good.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh given the Scribe selection difficulty uh the ccg has moved towards this uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Out that this current transcriber technology which is locally hosted and I believe uses like a free Google API to to do the voice recognition.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh so so the current infrastructure is.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Sort of evolved this way due to uh privacy and open source concerns.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): On uh on the part of the.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Uh group members.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): But we wanted to restart the conversation and get us start getting a sense from the audience of.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Switch to some.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Would anybody have strong objections to that would it be a deal-breaker for anyone.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): So if you have thoughts on this uh please hop on the queue.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Lico go ahead.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Thank you so much ELO.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Oh that that's weird I maybe forgot to put my take my name out of there but I yeah no we we use it all the time internally for a lot of our team meetings and some of the reports are super valuable especially for.
Colin_Reynolds,_Ed_Design_Lab: Um like quick summaries of meetings right as opposed to reading through the whole transcript I think some of the summaries that that provides a pretty great so all in favor.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Most importantly uh does anybody have else have strong objections.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): All right that's uh that's good to know it's a it's a good data point.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): I also pick up this conversation on on the mailing list uh and in the call in 15 minutes but this is a great uh.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Which is yeah that's not good at all and I think it didn't catch elico either.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Yeah it didn't it didn't transcribe when it would go was speaking so there's definitely weird Network partition stuff going on.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): That would be good to smooth out.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): All right so we uh so we adjourn uh for a few minutes before uh.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Maybe the transcriber only likes persons and not chairs ;-). Although it likes you, Dmitri.
Dmitri_Z._(pres.): Before doing another call for the for the Europeans okay.
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> @Ildiko see? it's confusing! :)
<xavi_aracil_(1edtech)> I'd add ELM as well
Simone Ravaoli: +1 Xavi, let's unpack this in a minute.
<phil_long_(t3)> @Simone - absolutely, the ELM represents the EU/EC's domain specific credential payloads about aspects of an individual re: learning and employment.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Currently in ELM we capture employment related skills and competences as learning outcomes coming from in-service learning.
<phil_long_(t3)> @Simone - Edalex is adding the content management layer to evidence.
<phil_long_(t3)> :+1: Xavi re: protocol distinctions from platform tranfers vs. wallet to endpoint .
<phil_long_(t3)> @Xavi is pointing out an important need to communicate/interpret/underatand the technical aspects of LER/VCs in more generally accessible language.
<phil_long_(t3)> @Xavi and @Rob can you also talk about the trusted micro-credential initiative?
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> I'd really like to be here for the rest of this discussion, but with the time change I have a conflict for the second half- thanks all!
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> thanks Deb!
<simone> thanks Deb, I will make sure to cover the microcredential mapping exercise
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> and a resource for meaningful credentials including CTDL
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> sorry I have to go
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> We do the same here in Europe when it comes to Micro-credentials. See Annex 1 of
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> @Ildiko - ooh, page 15 of that PDF is fascinating, in that it lists 11 required fields for each micro-credential
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Page 27 (Annex 1) has that all beautifully tabled.
<dmitri_z._(pres.)> nice!!
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> This is the table I had side by side with when I compared the two.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Continued conversation is crucial
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Interoperability is not just a technical question, it's also semantics and definitions of terms.
<xavi_aracil_(1edtech)> ELM Browser:
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Thanks for pasting in the ELMB link, @Xavi :-)
<eric_shepherd> lol
<eric_shepherd> jim Goodell - led the schema standard
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> I'm not a formal representative of ESCO, but I'd be happy to share some thoughts and experiences with using ESCO in ELM and European Digital Credentials.
<rob_coyle> Competency and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE)
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Same for ELM
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Indeed, I think this is very important to mix the use of popular frameworks/taxonomies and 'own' lists.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> :-) I wanted to ask the same question.
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Advantage of Linked Open Data is that concepts from different frameworks can be mapped with each other.
<laura_paglione> can you please update the offical calendar?
<laura_paglione> ty!
<xavi_aracil_(1edtech)> thank you!
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Bye