The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference

Transcript for 2024-06-04

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: I think it should work now hold on a second but it doesn't.
Harrison_Tang: All right I think it should work even though it didn't say sporting started no.
Manu Sporny: If it didn't say.
Manu Sporny: It's not recording Harrison um it'll it'll fail and then you can retry it and it should work again.
Harrison_Tang: Oh okay all right let me start.
Manu Sporny: It'll capture the text though.
Harrison_Tang: Okay let me uh stop and.
Harrison_Tang: No actually hold on let me restart it give me a second.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Right wherever you go.
Manu Sporny: Hey all um thanks well um we we made this announcement on the uh mailing list but we uh just released a new uh specification called verifiable credential barcodes and I'll put that in the chat channel here.
Manu Sporny: Um and basically what this new technology allows you to do is it allows you to embed a verifiable credential uh into like a driver's license or an identity document a physical identity document of some kind um and basically adds a digital signature to protect the uh driver's license or employment authorization document or naturalization certificate or a variety of other documents like this um uh.
Manu Sporny: So that's specs kind of out there we're looking for other people to join us uh to help edit the specs so if you're interested in supporting the spec please jump in and um uh add yourself to kind of the list of people that would like to edit the spec um we also this morning made an announcement that there is a demonstration website that you can use so you can actually like load up this website on your phone and turn your camera on and scan uh the examples in the specification and it will tell you whether or not the signature is good and or whether or not the verifiable credential you know is valid and that sort of stuff um we also have physical cards that we can ship to you so if you would like a physical card um.
Manu Sporny: That embeds this technology.
Manu Sporny: In it um please fill out the form give us you know your email and and in mailing address it doesn't have to be your home of course um and we will get.
Manu Sporny: Cards shipped off to you uh so you've got some physical examples that you can uh try out and show people if you want uh happy to answer any questions on the mailing list um about any of this new tech that's it.
<tallted> manu -- abstract link -- -- is 404
Manu Sporny: West West Smith will be presenting yes in August on this technology yep.
Gregory_Natran: Oh I was just going to ask Manu uh sorry is this is this the spec underlying some of the uh verification stuff we saw yesterday or sorry yesterday last week from uh DHS.
Ted Thibodeau: Has been moved here: [scribe assist by Dave Longley]
Manu Sporny: Yes correct so this is the same technology that it was announced that is going into the uh California driver's license in the United States so 27 million people in California have uh a driver's license and this technology will be used to secure those documents uh it was also announced 2 weeks ago that this same technology will be going into uh future.
<dave_longley> need to get a redirect working for that.
Manu Sporny: Physical identification documents issued by US citizenship and immigration services including the permanent resident card employment authorization documents citizenship and Naturalization certificates and that's Nationwide uh in the US.
GregB: I may allow sharing.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
GregB: To talk about BBS Basics okay and that was a just over a year ago okay so things have matured quite a bit okay we're in our final cryptographic review of the BBS spec and things like that we'll talk about that in a sec today I'm going to talk about.
GregB: And review verifiable credentials data Integrity so what do I mean by that okay gonna review BBS but not as in depth as the last time.
GregB: And we're going to talk about in particular how do we combine the 2 how do we get BBS messages whatever those are which I'll remind you of from Json LD how do we specify mandatory and selective disclosure of our Json how do we put this together and why do we have 2 different types of proofs based and derived okay.
GregB: So who am I um and invited expert now I'm semi-retired how do you become an invited expert well you can help go edit a lot of documents so I've been working on the data integrity and the cryptographic Suites like eddsa ecdsa nbbs.
GregB: And if you are having trouble in your implementations if your implementer.
GregB: There is open-source code that I use to produce the test vectors.
GregB: Okay and if you're not verifying the test factors get in touch with me because we might have made a mistake this is what we do if particularly even over in the ietf we're working on the BBS spec we try not to update our document until we've got a couple folks that have verified the test vectors with each change we do I've also got open source implementations I was checking the specs as I worked on them as an editor so for the ecdsa SD BBS okay and that's actually the fundamental BBS implementation of the cryptography.
GregB: Our data Integrity V VBS and I've got a little tiny server so I can use my stuff in interoperability testing okay and this is Tiny okay this is a node.js uh express.js implementation suitable for anybody to use including all the way down to a a wind surfing club uh that might want to issue uh credentials to say who knows how to take their stuff off the dock and not leave a mess okay.
GregB: I'm also working with the ietf BBS specs okay and we've got a couple new ones coming out for some features that we want for BBs.
GregB: So that's me that you can get a hold of me easily and all those things are.
GregB: The this presentation has been uploaded and the links are in the uh email that I sent out in response to Harrison so VC data Integrity what do I mean by this.
GregB: Is we're starting with the credentials data model OKAY the Json LD V2 data model okay it's got an information it's got a section all about verifiable credentials that tells you what needs to be in there I am concerned here with an embedded proof as compared to an enveloping proof.
GregB: This is the.
GregB: Thing where we add into the credential.
GregB: the J.
GregB: Nissan credential a proof field that has all the stuff we need for the proof.
GregB: what do we.
GregB: Need for the proof.
GregB: Handled by the verifiable credential data Integrity spec.
GregB: This tells you what the proof field should look like okay and this also adds stuff for producing those parallel signatures you've heard of proof sets and proof chains.
GregB: Okay I take a very simplistic point of view about it what is the Json look like.
GregB: J for a verify credential with the data model it's got to have a certain set of required Fields not very many actually just for.
GregB: And a credential subject.
GregB: Okay I found out that the issuer is required when I was trying to be participate in our operability tests hang and I left that off.
GregB: How could you have a credential without an issue or you're saying okay there are a variety of other fields you can add in.
GregB: But we have these essential ones okay so that's what the data model sets now.
GregB: Talking about it embedded proof.
GregB: That's dictated by the data Integrity spec.
GregB: And it tells us what the proof feels should look like it's got a set of required Fields type proof purpose verification method that gets us the public key thinking about it from proof value.
GregB: The actual string encoding of the cryptographic information and very importantly we specify what crypto Street we're using you can have a bunch of optional fields too.
GregB: When we put these things together.
GregB: We get a secure data Integrity secured credential okay so we see the credential required Fields here okay context ID.
GregB: Oops I should have left the ID is not required it's optional type issuer credential subject where the both the information and look the proof field this is required okay and this is where the data Integrity stuff goes okay.
GregB: So this is what um and the BBS verifiable credential BBS data Integrity spec it's about.
GregB: And if you look the data Integrity specs you'll see this diagram which talks about going from the credential the data.
GregB: The data with proof okay and we perform a transformation on the data.
GregB: Lie in general previously we had hashed the data separately.
GregB: Generate a proof by using a signature algorithm and bundling that stuff up.
GregB: The general approaches all the information in the proof other than.
GregB: Proof value we actually consider proof options the issue work comes up with that okay.
GregB: We're going to take that stuff.
GregB: Going to standardize it.
GregB: What we call can canonize it or canonicalization okay and hash that.
GregB: the idea.
GregB: That is we.
GregB: Protect the proof metadata everything's got to be protected very few things aren't protected and most things are protected in this method cryptographically okay the unsecured document gets canonized okay and then gets hashed to protect the document and the documents metadata.
GregB: The 2 hash get concatenated okay and then we.
Ted Thibodeau: Correction: we don't canonize data; we do canonicalize data.
GregB: Use a signature algorithm produced the proof bites the proof bites are then multibase encoded produce a string of proof value that's included in the proof field okay this is the general approach we've been using okay you may be asking what's this canonicalization.
GregB: Well the same Json document.
GregB: Okay can look very different you add white space you can reorder.
GregB: The uh property values names okay that still is the same information okay.
GregB: So changing the order of properties in the Json document doesn't change its meaning neither does adding white space between tokens so that's just an example of 2 items okay however if I took a cryptographic hash over the text of that.
GregB: When I change those things get a very different result because that's what hashes do cryptographic hashes do so we need equivalent documents from the point of view of their meaning to produce the same hash okay solution we put it in the canonical standardized form there's various ways of doing this.
GregB: Way is so here's the credential start if I use the JCS Json canonicalization scheme from uh okay it removes the wide spaces essentially and orders.
GregB: The fields alphabetically of course it's really not that simple because there's always a lot of corner cases.
GregB: Okay and there's 2 different canonicalization schemes we use unfortunately JCS is not usable for BBS or selective disclosure we'll see in a sec.
GregB: BBS we talked about this before and let's just remind ourselves there was basics.
GregB: Talk that I gave before which gave the history and things like that short answer is it's coming up to about 20 years old when Dan Bonet and his co-authors first published the idea it's been over 8 years since it was completely written up and rigor with proofs back in 2016 and we're almost done standardizing it at the ITF okay we have 1 last breaking change that's going in right now that was asked for by the people doing some embedded work.
GregB: to make it.
GregB: To do things it doesn't it's not a cry it's not a security motivated thing it's so that they can produce some things easier by rearranging the order in which they take a hash anytime you change the order you do something and hash is going to produce different results there's also an in-browser demo which I'll actually even show you guys again.
GregB: What are its fundamental properties and let's just go to the demo to take a look okay.
GregB: BBS produces signatures which means public private key cryptography you'll have a private key and a public key.
GregB: What's different about BBS let's look at the signature creation is it doesn't work on just 1 item it works on what we call messages BBS terminology calls the things.
GregB: Messages they can be plenty long they don't have to be short okay.
GregB: And we create a signature on those messages.
GregB: BBS has the property.
GregB: that if.
GregB: If I add a message.
GregB: Create an updated signature.
GregB: The signatures of fixed length for an arbitrary number of messages.
GregB: Within the size of the finite fields and such where it's essentially arbitrary Okay so.
GregB: Very space efficient for multiple messages Okay so.
GregB: Second thing that BBS allows you to do once again.
GregB: BBS works with a sign so we produce a signature creation we can look at the signature bundle produced here's the public key here's all these messages.
GregB: we can.
GregB: Look and see did the signature verify.
GregB: And obviously if we change 1 of these messages.
GregB: Process the Json.
GregB: It will vert won't verify okay.
GregB: So mod so it's got the properties of a signature.
GregB: Selective disclosure a tree goes into a bar to get a big glass of water.
GregB: Doesn't want to reveal who he is but the bar requires that all trees have to reveal their date of birth.
GregB: And their home.
GregB: Roughly their home uh State Park otherwise they won't get served in California because we're tend to have droughts.
GregB: Okay so we're only going to select a certain amount of information okay.
GregB: So out of all that information just given.
GregB: The signature and the public key not the private key so this would be the holder can select what they're going to reveal.
GregB: And so I put bundle this up into a proof bundle.
GregB: Okay there's the public key.
GregB: Close messages there's some extra information telling which of the mess original messages I actually disclosed and here's this proof thing it's longer than the signature.
GregB: Using just the public key of verifier.
GregB: The proof and.
GregB: If they try and lie about their age.
GregB: Say they're older than they are.
GregB: The proof form verify.
GregB: So that's selective disclosure.
GregB: Unlink proofs what is this about okay so we saw the tree tree driver's license we saw selective disclosure saw example proof there are times when you want to be tracked.
GregB: If you are wind surfing on on the San Francisco Bay where there's huge container ships and tanker ships and ferry boats and things like that you might like somebody to know where you are.
GregB: Here I am outside the Golden Gate Bridge and the fog's coming in.
GregB: And there could be container ship traffic those things are 7 or 8 stories uh.
GregB: No they're taller than 8 stories tall from the water I've counted 7 containers stacked on them from.
GregB: Deck as I've sat out here okay that's a good thing.
GregB: On the internet we get tracked a lot that's not a good thing.
GregB: I just got a notice from my health care provider that there was a data breach was it a data breach not really.
GregB: The web designers for the healthcare provider had put pixels for Twitter and Facebook and things like that.
GregB: Realized that by putting those on their website.
GregB: They allowed those.
GregB: Media sites to know every time I visit my health care provider When I visit them how often the exact time and date Etc okay now.
GregB: We have a situation where verifiers could collude with each other okay you're going oh well how would they know who's who well.
GregB: in a.
GregB: It's cryptographic information.
GregB: Are highly unique okay if the data is different the signature has to be different okay that's we're using hash cryptographic hashes we're using cryptographic signatures okay so people could kind of tell from signatures if the same person visited verify or 1 and verify or 2 if they present the same credential.
GregB: Okay verifiers conclude.
GregB: Okay or verifiers could collude with issuers to be tracked.
GregB: This is covered completely and documented in the uh.
GregB: Uh BBS back uh no yes the BBS spec where we cover this because BBS is the only current selective disclosure scheme that provides unlikable proofs.
GregB: So what do we mean by unlike Global proofs.
GregB: Let's go back to the example.
GregB: Or the demo where you can try this yourself.
GregB: If I come up here.
GregB: And click the create signature button.
GregB: BBS is deterministic.
GregB: The the version of we standardized okay so the signature doesn't change.
GregB: If you give somebody the signature they'll know and be able to track you buy this unique information.
GregB: Let's go down and look at the proof.
GregB: Okay if I click the generate proof button.
GregB: I get a new proof.
GregB: If I click it again I get another proof.
GregB: I click it again and again each 1 of these proof values I get the cryptographic information.
GregB: Absolutely from a point of view of cryptography.
GregB: Statistically different from each value previously generated.
GregB: And the original signature.
GregB: Is using the magic of zero knowledge proofs.
GregB: Okay so the proof information itself.
GregB: What you may have.
GregB: And disclose maybe linkable look if there's only 1 tree in the jebidiah Smith Redwood State Park okay.
GregB: And there's okay and they have their birthdays on them.
GregB: Distinctly then I'm going to be able to tell okay there are a lot of trees in jebidiah Smith for I mean there are over a thousand probably probably way more than that because that's 1 of the major Redwood state parks okay and they don't identify their date of birth on the trees hence.
GregB: We have what's known as a good anonymity set their.
GregB: So we can generate these unlined.
GregB: BBS is very good for this however.
GregB: They do not prevent correlation on disclosed information okay.
GregB: There is a whole important write up we added to the BBS spec which goes into a lot more detail on selective disclosure and on linkability okay shows 2 different types of tracking via verifier issuer collusion and verify or verifier collusion and looks at things from cryptographic Primitives from how we map things in and goes through this in depth okay so just because BBS provides unlink proofs doesn't mean that if you stick an ID in the middle of everything and make it uh in in disclose it.
GregB: Doesn't you have reduced renamed e set to zero okay to 1 I mean.
GregB: Okay so that's the caveat BBS can help a lot with this on LinkedIn but there's another piece to it.
GregB: So we're done right.
GregB: You just showed us how to oh wait these are messages this doesn't look anything like a verifiable credential does it know this is just Greg's example he just bundled things up into Json and passed it around within his example his demo of BBS this is a demo of BBS where yeah I use some Json but it's not a verifiable credential ah we got some work to do.
GregB: So let's look at BBS API okay careful.
GregB: There's BBS the BBS signature scheme okay produced by the ietf.
GregB: And then there's verifiable credentials okay.
GregB: We have terminology Collision both BBs.
GregB: And verify viable verifiable credentials use the term proof and signature these can have very different meanings hence I'll use terms like BBS signature and BBs proof for cryptographic information generated by the BBS signature scheme.
GregB: and then.
GregB: I'll try and use V verifiable credential VC data Integrity proof.
GregB: So it's a signature scheme BBS it's got sign and verify okay sign uses a secret key Not Unusual what's unusual is it uses not 1 message or document or data that you're signing over but an array of messages and ordered array of messages.
GregB: Verify uses the public key the signature and messages header.
GregB: Actually some nice is a nice way of Furnishing Associated data along with the signature and we use that feature as part of the overall scheme of um putting a verifiable credentials into BBS okay but I'm not going to cover that detail that but you're seeing it here okay however.
GregB: That's not all BBS has a second set of apis.
GregB: Something called proof Jen okay this is the BBS proof generated by the holder.
GregB: Okay utilizing the signature.
GregB: Public key of the issuer but no private key of the issuer this is completely new okay oh to create that proof we Supply the messages and then we tell it which of that ordered set of messages we choose to disclose.
GregB: Oh so this is our API okay then the verifier would use this proof verify.
GregB: Underneath everything with the public key of the original issuer the BBS proof generated by the holder.
GregB: And the disclosed messages they received.
GregB: Oh and they need to know the indexes of those messages too out of the original set so they get the disclosed messages and the indexes okay are used by the verifier to validate okay so you can see we got some extra information besides just the messages we have to give them the disclosed indexes we got to give them the header etc etc okay.
GregB: I have Json LD.
GregB: Here's my wind surfing quiver consisting of a bunch of sales.
GregB: And a bunch of boards.
GregB: Meet up names because I'm not these are not actual Brands these are cities on Maui.
GregB: okay like.
GregB: Quite leaner which we hope is recovering and Kihei okay.
GregB: How do we go from this to a set of messages.
GregB: That's key and an ordered set of messages and an ordered set of messages that doesn't care about things that are equivalent like reordering the.
GregB: Names of the properties in Json LD and and Json LD is actually more General than just Json there's more different things with that you can do as far as meanings go.
GregB: Okay they have Notions of things like sets not just arrays.
GregB: Okay so how do we get from the messages or statements right each 1 thing so Json LD is a serialization storage and exchange format for the reson description framework uh oh I start getting scared when I see this stuff rdf is a graph-based model consisting of subject predicate object if needed containing graph or rdf oh boy let's look at a pitcher so let's take a look at my credential and the Json LD playground so this is my wind surfing quiver.
GregB: If I look at visualized I see that all this nested structure looks like.
GregB: Not the kind of graphs I'm used to with networking this is kind of a more simple graph and as cyclic graph there's no Loops okay so the.
GregB: The credential itself has a type it's a verifiable credential it's got an issuer it's got a credential subject oh okay that's the high level then the credential subject has a sale number.
GregB: Set of sales.
GregB: My sales okay oops it's missing my 50 which I used yesterday never mind okay got a set of boards okay.
GregB: So each 1 of these represents statements okay look the sale number okay Earth 101 board name okay all these different things get turned into statements.
GregB: And the canonicalization of this with this thing called rdf canonicalization is it going to produce a consistent set of ordered statements.
GregB: Okay for equivalent jsons canonized will produce the same set of statements in the same order that's exactly what I need for BBS because it's an ordered set of messages without that I can't do BBS because I need to do things based on a set of an ordered set of messages where I sit there and say what index of those messages am I revealing.
GregB: Time check we're gonna make it okay so we already saw the example set of messages.
GregB: Highly readable there.
GregB: No we're not going to make developers or users deal with.
GregB: The canonical version of the Json LD.
GregB: The issuer of.
GregB: A b 1 of these BBS credentials has the option to specify some statements must be revealed mandatory reveal okay and a holder as we saw before is going to want to selectively disclose.
GregB: How do we do this in a friendly way or a standard way.
GregB: It's not friendly.
GregB: Something called Json pointers it's been standardized for a while now it's an ietf standard okay and it tells you.
GregB: Nice string Syntax for identifying a specific value within a Json object within a Json document okay for example it can be as simple as slash issuer is used to match the issuer field.
GregB: Is it really that simple yeah pretty much this document like all documents that specifies things like this has to deal with lots of complic with a bunch of weird Corner cases so when you read the document and look at the example you're going what is this stuff it's very complicated looking because they're dealing with a bunch of corner cases.
GregB: With special characters okay.
GregB: If I want to specify my sales number which I have to okay the race committee is going to make that mandatorily disclose because otherwise nobody can identify me on the water okay they're going to say sale number.
GregB: That's pretty straightforward credential subject.
GregB: Disclosed to sale number then it says you got to reveal 2 of your sales okay.
GregB: And the year of 1 year boards I just made this up.
GregB: Race committees want to make you do that they have other restrictions and things like that and would certify your equipment okay you can use a variety of different Json pointer libraries and perform the matches okay that's what I did here this is all taken from the test vectors in the spec okay.
GregB: To show people how to do this stuff step by step okay and behind the scenes.
GregB: Stuff and that's what all this data if you ever wondered why under these selective disclosure functions and the and the ecdsa.
GregB: Um document BBS reused a lot of these things they're about going back and forth between looking at the Json using Json pointers getting.
GregB: The canonical form okay that we work with and such like that and back and forth okay right because the canonical form that we work with it gives us the list.
GregB: Ordered list of statements that were going to use for BBs.
GregB: How are we doing time wise we're going to make it.
GregB: Let's put this together.
GregB: Data Integrity base.
GregB: There's 2 different types of proofs there's the 1 Crew type of verifiable credential proofs.
GregB: That we're going to use okay create base proof is going to be used by the issuer.
GregB: This is going to use.
GregB: The BBS signature.
GregB: like we said.
GregB: Before those are the things like created date.
GregB: Crypto Suite BBs.
GregB: 23 okay and that kind of stuff the public key information the unsecured document the credential without proof and the key material this is like what we've done before what's new is mandatory pointers okay how do you specify what's mandatory could be empty array of Json pointers the mandatory reveal okay what we'll do is we'll do similar to like we did before we can't not canonize the proof options produce a hash.
GregB: We will take.
GregB: Okay we'll take as inputs are mandatory pointers and secured documents produced mandatory hash over the mandatory statements blah blah blah blah blah.
GregB: Okay we're going to take.
GregB: what's be.
GregB: Comes our header of our proof hash and our mandatory hash and our messages become the non-mandatory quads deep information you don't have to worry about it we've got higher level functions that do all this for you okay.
GregB: We package this all up we put things into the field uh the proof value field okay in a way where we can actually identify the difference between.
GregB: the space.
GregB: And what we'll see next is derived proof okay so what does this end up looking like.
GregB: It doesn't look too much different than what we've seen before okay here's all the fields here's our credential here's all my sales here's my boards.
GregB: Okay the proof here data Integrity proof blah blah blah blah blah verification information proof value okay.
GregB: But this is BBS particular okay this is a BBS base proof.
GregB: Uh sorry verifiable credential it's the base proof and it used the BBS signature.
GregB: Okay now what is the holder do the holder receives this.
GregB: The holders got the secured document they do not send the secured document to a verifier no no no.
GregB: You specify using selective pointers okay.
GregB: Json pointers the fields day want to reveal okay.
GregB: Ultimately inside we're going to use the BBS proof genen okay.
GregB: Notice you use the BBS signature from the original issuer okay and it's never sent to the verifier.
GregB: The messages are the non-mandatory quads and such like that that's down in the details okay.
GregB: We're going to create.
GregB: Selectively reveal document the document that only has.
GregB: A certain subset oh only 2 of my sales.
GregB: Information about both boards though okay.
GregB: And we see a proof with the proof value this proof value is D is based on the BBS proof that zero knowledge proof thingy that I can make unique.
GregB: Time for each time I visit the same verifier or for each verifier I visit okay I can create a new proof it's in the hands of the holder.
GregB: Okay along with those fields they choose select to me reveal.
GregB: So I went quick through this I didn't go through all the details we've got.
GregB: All the details obviously in the specs.
GregB: You can see all the test vectors too in this specs okay.
GregB: Questions I know I went through that quick but I wanted to particularly hit the issue of.
GregB: Json LD how do we get messages for use with BBs.
GregB: How do we spec mandatory and selective pointers and we have 2 different types of proofs.
GregB: Verify or credential proofs of Base proof and a derived proof.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I have a really simple question uh which is why are they called messages and not Fields or properties.
GregB: I'm gonna blame these guys.
<harrison_tang> haha, i have the same question, too
GregB: Um and it came from.
GregB: Takes the original paper.
GregB: Um I'm glad they use messages because if it was properties that would have been even more of a collision.
Dmitri Zagidulin: That would I could see how that would be very confusing that makes sense.
GregB: I mean statements could have been okay.
GregB: Yes okay in let's see where am I right now I am.
GregB: This is the base proof and the base proof example.
GregB: What we do remember we I said hey we got to tell people the mandatory pointers and things like that I gotta convey some Header information we act up some other things and the BB raw BBS signature we take all those extra pieces that we have to convey and we actually use sibur and code for efficiency and we put a keyboard tag at the front of it okay that tells us the indicate the base proof.
GregB: Zero blah blah blah blah and now if we go and look at the.
GregB: If we look at the drive proof we'll see that the values are slightly different okay and this is similar to what was done in ecdsa SD.
GregB: In a about a month I'm going to tell you about some features of anonymous holder binding and 2 different flavors of end uh a flavor of pseudonyms.
GregB: Um which are very nice features to add on top of BBS.
GregB: And we actually use some header bites there again so I've kind of summarized that.
GregB: These optional feature optional feature summaries um.
GregB: All the different proof header bites we might use note the optional features I just and I'm going to talk about those are provisional right now okay but I've got this little table that and there's a section that explains them and I'll be talking about them in about a month but yes so the person receiving approved can determine if it's the right type of proof for what they think it is and what I mean by proof I mean verifiable credential proof type.
PL/T3: And that correct um quick question and the question is I'm assuming because this is a derived proof that neither the relying party or the verifier has any information about the fact that there may be.
PL/T3: Or 8 other uh properties in the original Json LD credential that they're not disclosing they know nothing about what's not disclosed in terms of even the number that might have been present but which of which only through your shown something like that.
GregB: Ideally yes okay.
GregB: When I say that though.
GregB: 1 of the things though that we do uh and we have to tell them is we have to tell them the selective indexes okay and so in this document.
GregB: And when you deal with linkability.
GregB: Okay you gotta be very we want to be very cautious because.
GregB: Selective indexes hm you're just going to tell them which indexes you're using right.
GregB: What happens if you had a very long College transcript with every course somebody took over 4 years.
GregB: And you're going to select the courses you did best out of to show to certain class of employers.
GregB: Those kind of circumstances that could those indexes themselves.
GregB: Create something that's somewhat linkable okay.
GregB: Even in the original BBS document when we talk about.
GregB: We added this in there's security and privacy considerations we worry about things like hey the total number of messages will be known.
GregB: So the index of the disclosed messages okay so we we we.
GregB: We have to be careful because everything we try and do here we try and have.
GregB: Rigorous statements okay about the security of things and so I will say that.
GregB: Those indexes can reveal something just like the total number of messages we can reduce that obviously um by having a fixed number of messages for a certain class of documents okay so yes they will not know anything about those other things but I always worry we always want to be cautious about data leakage because we're cryptographers.
PL/T3: Right so that it might be able to determine by subtracting those 2 things that I got um.
PL/T3: Things out of 12 or 4 things out of 50.
GregB: You won't know what they were.
PL/T3: And but but I don't necessarily know that each message corresponds in your example for a transcript Court to a course get a message good correspond to things Beyond just courses correct.
GregB: Yes there yeah I mean so there.
GregB: are ya.
GregB: You got it.
GregB: We in the data Integrity document.
GregB: Term that got chosen was crypto Suite.
GregB: Which is probably a little bit better for BBS because BBs.
GregB: Both signature and zero knowledge proof of knowledge of a signature wow that's a long thing or BBS proof right so it's not I mean.
GregB: They act like signatures with the holder is generating for verifiers and BBs but.
GregB: Be told they're not accurately to call a signature so.
GregB: I'm not sure it shows that nice language crypto Suite but I like it.
GregB: Okay the time bell rang.
<jeff_o_/_humanos> Thx All
<harrison_tang> Thanks, Greg! Love it!