The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference

Transcript for 2024-07-23

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Erica Connell: Hey hey Will and everybody um just a friendly reminder that rebooting the web of trusts will be convening in October the 7th through 11th in uh Ventura California people have started submitting papers and um that is a great way to get count on your um tickets uh early bird uh ticket deadlines are coming up at the beginning of uh August I don't have the counter in front of me so I don't remember what exactly they are I think the 9th is uh is the ticket deadline it might be the week before for papers on the second uh I'll put a link in the chat for details and a link to the event right all the details are there that's it thanks.
Patrick St-Louis: I will a long time will chat um yeah so just um.
Patrick St-Louis: Since you you invited to people to share any kind of work 1 thing that I've been working for quite a significant amount of time and it's you know getting closer to tuition it was to um maintain the hyperledger Aries Cloud agent python uh along with verifiable credential 2.0 uh and I'm currently looking at data Integrity um crypto Suites and test Suites and we can now have the uh agent directly interacting with the test Suites uh which is great to demonstrate interoperability and and show support to the specification so just wanted to share this.
Stephen Curran: All right um.
Stephen Curran: I am going to talk today about whoops that's not good I gotta share a screen um hang on 1 second.
Stephen Curran: Just go screen.
Stephen Curran: All right people can see my screen.
Stephen Curran: Okay good all right so um this is a presentation um originally scheduled for way back in May it seems years ago um but kept get moving around so finally here on and ready to talk about hyperledger non-red in vcd format yet we all just get along what just happened.
Stephen Curran: Maybe I shouldn't have shared my screen.
Stephen Curran: I'm not quite sure why that just happened but let's go there there we go.
Stephen Curran: Agenda about uh hyperledger and on creds and then the project we've implemented recently on putting it into w3c bcdm format so give some background on that and then the main part of what I wanted to mention was that learnings from that from taking a um a uh credential format and converting it to bcdm and what we learned and then some follow-up just some brief wrap-ups on how the work got done and um what's next so um for those not aware I think many of you are aware of what hyperledger and owns is um zero knowledge proof based verifiable credentials specification and implementation so an encore a hyperledger or an ENC um spun out of the indie project so um CL signatures was created around 2000 to 2004 and then on creds B1 is based on CL signatures um.
Stephen Curran: It is the second generation of Cl signatures implementations um and production implementations so IBM's admx was there um.
Stephen Curran: Hyperledger uh or the the implementation of an entrance was part of hyperledger Indie in 2016 and that's where all of this work um V1 of a non-red was established and has has is essentially unchanged since then and then it became a separate project at hyperledger in 2022 and the idea of separating it out was to disentangle it from from um.
Stephen Curran: Um make it uh vdr agnostic Define a specification since no specification had been previously written um and that specification locks in what V1 of an on creds is.
Stephen Curran: It also the project is a place to work on V2 of an on creds and that's based on newer newer being a couple of years after CL signatures came out so still in the.
Stephen Curran: Um early 2000s cryptography notably BBS signatures and and later the PS signature so uh I'll talk a bit about B2 at the end but just um.
Stephen Curran: Uh briefly touching on that so A non-red V1 is not a signature scheme per se it's an opinionated way to use CL signatures um and and that opinionated way is to enable interoperability and that's where it's been pretty successful in that there are many implementations um around that use an on creds um and and that allow you know a pile of wallets that use it a pile of um issuers and verifiers that use it and and pretty good interoperability across them.
Stephen Curran: Um the spec the specification itself covers um the data objects um from the issuer.
Stephen Curran: Um needed by the holder in the verifier so um I'll talk about that in in the next but there's a bunch of objects there there's the actual verifiable credential format and the presentation format so the data models and objects and really that's what we're talking about in the in in aligning that with the vcd.
Stephen Curran: And then.
Stephen Curran: Also is the interactions and data models between the issuer and the holder and the holder and the verifier so when a issuer issues a credential to a holder they have to do a sequence of an offer a request that an issue and there's uh data uh data models between each of those and then a request present and verify so it doesn't talk about the protocols between how those those things flow back and forth but rather here's what the data is expect what the what the issue is expected to produce and what the holder is going to consume in an offer and and from the request from the issuer or from the holder to the issuer the requests that finally actual issue of the credential.
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