The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference

Transcript for 2025-03-25

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Hello uh hey everyone so the welcome to this week's uh that'll be 3 C so today very excited to have Lucy and Kya here uh to talk about uh the hackathon that we had about a couple months ago uh but before that I just wanted to quickly go over some administrative stuff so first of all um just a reminder on the call of ethics and professional conduct I just want to make sure that we hold respectful conversations here.
Harrison_Tang: on that.
Harrison_Tang: Just a quick note about intact intellectual property notes um anyone can participate in these calls however all substantive contributions to any work items must be members of the ccg with full IPR agreement signed.
Harrison_Tang: Have any questions about the w3c account or the community contributor license agreement uh please feel free to reach out to any of the co-chairs.
Harrison_Tang: Uh a quick note about the call uh these meetings are automatically uh recorded and transcribed and uh we will uh publish the meeting notes transcriptions video and audio recording uh in the next day or 2.
Harrison_Tang: How we use uh TT chat uh to cure the speakers during the call uh so you can type in Q Plus to add yourself to the queue or cue minus to remove and you can type in Q question mark to see who is in the queue and I will be monitoring the queue.
Harrison_Tang: All right just want to take a quick moment uh for the introductions and reintroduction so if you're new uh to the community where you haven't been active and want to re-engage uh just feel free to unmute and actually uh take a moment uh to introduce yourself a little bit.
Richard: I'm head of product stock labs and I've attended probably 1 of these a year so I'm excited I'm able to join today.
Harrison_Tang: Come at the right time so welcome.
Harrison_Tang: I want to take a moment for announcements and reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Money in place.
Manu Sporny: Yeah just um announcement on the.
Manu Sporny: Update on the um the migration to the Google meet infrastructure um uh was able to set up the ccg uh Google Business standard license whatever thing this weekend um uh which means and and created a bunch of you know new meetings under that new account um I think we'll do a test you know of the new infrastructure it should which should autoscribe Auto publish Auto everything um uh we'll run that test this week with the VC API and the ccg promotion uh work item promotion and the data Integrity calls and if everything works out well then that means that we'll be ready to migrate over to uh the new system um you know as as early as as next week um that of course you know decision of course it's still up to uh the chairs in the community to make um.
Manu Sporny: Okay that's that's just it on the infrastructure um the uh other heads up or you know we are meeting uh uh this week um later today for VC API uh tomorrow for the ccg incubation uh work item promotions so that's you know what's going to go into the next verifiable credential working group um we had some good discussion last week about some other things we need to to work on um uh and then uh in the in the did methods the diff did methods uh group this week we're going to be talking about uh did key uh in kind of what needs to happen there for that to be uh promoted to uh w3c standards track uh and then uh finally on Friday uh we're going to continue our discussions around um data integrity and um Everlasting on linkability and things of that nature um that.
Manu Sporny: It as far as.
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thanks man and thanks again for helping us set up the infrastructure so.
Harrison_Tang: That's tested on the other um calls first and then we can decide to whether to move over to a ccg.
Harrison_Tang: All right Kia.
Kaliya Young: Hi um we've got the internet identity Workshop coming up in.
Kaliya Young: Weeks April 8 to 10 in Mountain View.
Kaliya Young: There's also um you know the side events seem to have come together per usual as well there's like an open ID thing happening.
Kaliya Young: On Monday before and CRM day also happens on Monday.
Kaliya Young: And next week I'm having um.
Kaliya Young: With Johannes The fetty Forum so if you are interacting in the Fetter verse and want to meet other people that's totally virtual.
Kaliya Young: The fourth unconference so you're welcome to join us I'll put links to both in the chat.
Harrison_Tang: And I I know the Federate identity working group also has a meet up on Friday as well so that Friday so so yeah if people are uh you know wants to learn more about it uh just uh feel free to email me.
Harrison_Tang: Other announcements or reminders.
<kaliya_identity_woman> April 1-2
<kaliya_identity_woman> IIW is April 8-10
Harrison_Tang: So next week uh we have Brian Newport uh from Blue Sky to talk about uh identity at the in the at protocol that blue sky uses and then the week after on April 8th uh we won't have a ccg call because uh a lot of us will be attending the IBEW so I'll send out the email reminders uh a weekend events.
Harrison_Tang: All right um any updates on the work items.
Harrison_Tang: Last calls for introductions announcements reminders uh work or work like I can relate stuff.
Harrison_Tang: All right uh let's get to the main agenda so uh today very excited to have Lucy um.
Harrison_Tang: Out in the clear here to talk about the co California mbdl community hackathon learnings that that we hope not you sorry.
Harrison_Tang: Yeah and then uh Lucy all right so yeah we will I think we have the hackathon like a couple months ago right so they're very excited to have them here to talk about and share some learnings and lessons.
Lucy Yang: Hi uh thank you very much her uh can everyone hear me fine just want to double check again.
Lucy Yang: Okay great because I I know that last time I I was on camera I broke the you know entire thing so I won't be showing up my face on camera this time um but thank you very much um Harrison also the ccg for having me again to talk about the hackathon you know Cleo was being humbled it's not about her but I I'm glad that you know and she is here and also I know Manny was here because Kalia and get involved as um as a judge for the first hackathon and and all as an expert it's like expert oh actually as an audience for the second 1 so she definitely have a um you know you know something she can share about her experience and a Manu and his team was um uh a critical part of of making the hackathon happen and especially the hackathon is called the the um the cmdl community hackathon is a community thing so anyone you know on this call who hasn't been part of it or.
Lucy Yang: You know.
Lucy Yang: Are most welcome to share I'll probably like a Manu and Clea also kind of calling you a little bit later just share what you know your kind of your takeaway of the hackathon if if you don't mind.
Lucy Yang: Um I have I have a few slides um prepared so I'm uh.
Lucy Yang: Everyone see my screen.
Lucy Yang: Okay okay great just want to be you know disclaimer so I'm I'm sharing um kind of I'm I'm I'm speaking on today's call not as not representing the the California DMV and representing myself and Company and it's it's probably many of you know like Leah and we have been working together as you know in a Business Partnership to run our consulting firm specializing this decentralized dent in the particularly I mean in the past year or so we have been kind of getting our our what were you know where should be our focus more critical crystallized um in terms of like ecosystem and Alignment building particularly the amount of complex Endeavors and stakeholder groups so this is kind of like how we're where I'm coming from today when when we're sharing uh kind of a an example of the kind of work we've been doing with our clients.
Lucy Yang: As you can see like we've been working with quite some like a large um large and entities like the California Department of your calls like you know International Air transport Association and many others um it's really um.
Lucy Yang: I was like hackathon where many of the other work we're doing are really kind of a revolving around how um we're helping the the most critical players in the industry to build to to better and build ecosystem and alignment.
Lucy Yang: This is kind of where where I'm coming from today um.
Lucy Yang: And and also um I think and Harrison you mentioned that you know mentioned Gail and it's probably many of you know like Gail hodgers who is the executive director um of an open ID Foundation uh and also another hash is wearing is the special is a is advisor senior advisor to the um to the California Department of Motor Vehicles on identity technology which also I'm an advisor so this is kind of like the many of us wear multiple hats but I do want to knowledge that the open ID Foundation you know as a community partner.
Lucy Yang: In the hackathon.
Lucy Yang: Where's the DMV played a critical role in Gail herself wearing both hats was very very instrumental and to make the hackathon um uh a success I think she's able to make it today but definitely want to own a knowledge her her work and her.
Lucy Yang: Her contribution to to to the hackathons um so when actually the idea of the hackathon initially a Gail came up with the idea of a hackathon before and I even get started working working on you know designing it with her um so when we uh when kind of when the idea of a hackathon were like the um kind of got out to kind of sum of the initial stakeholders were like when we're reaching out um you know as part of working for California DMV like all the idea of a hackathon and you can the kind of the first reaction a lot of people give us oh it's uh it's a kind of a competition kind of thing it's as many of you probably know um like hackathons so normally run when there's you know particular problem um where like there's some kind of solutions like a government or entity seeking and hosting kind of a competition and you know encouraging developers and and we're we're not developers team to participate to solve a a particular problem um for for you know for for clear and I we when we run a company like in from our point of view and also for the point.
Lucy Yang: Of view you have um us help.
Lucy Yang: Helping the California DMV.
Lucy Yang: We really look at hackathon as a tool.
Lucy Yang: Way to engage with stakeholders um to address a technical oriented problem together um I could you know.
Lucy Yang: You can obviously run as a competition but but the most important thing like we want to highlight here is really how we engage with the right stakeholders to really kind of so we can work together on address the problem.
Lucy Yang: That's some that's the part I want to highlight um.
Lucy Yang: So here sorry here so I I'm I'm going to switch over to a public slides that um the the DMV um use for at at in January at the um the public briefing um for the hackathon also in the meantime let me share.
Lucy Yang: So I'm so I'm I I copy paste my at this link to my slide so you will have all like the resources so in my slides you'll have all the resources that linking to different kind of a resources related to the hackathon.
Lucy Yang: But he.
Lucy Yang: Here I'm going now I'm going to switch over um to kind of hackathon related slides that the California DMV has made public so we so I can speak more to kind of the um.
Lucy Yang: What you know how some of the the outcomes that hackathon have and also like a takeaway and the takeaway is that we as a company have uh just double-checking are we we're not looking at the right slice let me making sure.
Lucy Yang: Let's see if you're in the right slides.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Lucy Yang: Is the private sector uh event use cases so if you you know.
Lucy Yang: So if you.
Lucy Yang: You go in this slide after after my presentation you can definitely dive into to the different use cases but as you can see there are um because essentially the category like you know our our our quite simple is identity proofing kyc on a boarding is kind of 1 1 category and identity and age verification is another category and then there's a password authentication from kind of like a high level kind of categorization point of view they're not not not kind of like too many categories but if you're looking at the the different types of of organizations or large large and very large Enterprises and they are like also like smaller.
Lucy Yang: Small smaller players and also there are some there are a large Financial agencies like there are not not able to disclose their names but it's and if you look at the use cases are really covering different range of use cases so many of the um of the um the the participants they're working on a wider range of use cases but because we asked them to be very very specific and about the real world needs and for the vendors to really engage with their with their clients so that's why like the you know we have there are some kind of like each use case as specific sector but doesn't mean that those kind of participating work Nation are limited to that sector um only.
Lucy Yang: And the public sector event we also have a kind of a similar chart that we have you know the different categories and and a different agencies that participated so I won't dive too much into it if you know any of you you already have the the link to I I can let me share this the link of this slides again and in the chat so this is a public um.
Lucy Yang: And what 1 1 thing I think you will be interested in uh getting if you want to get an idea so like so the hackathon highlights so if you go to like the YouTube video there's a kind of 10-minute video really show kind of like how it feels you know like to be part of the hackathon so we had like the kind of Snippets of different in the 2 events to give you an idea like how the engagement goes and also some of the feedback from the from the teams and and and observers and and experts on the day.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Lucy Yang: Because we are we you know I I think this is like a challenge you know most of us were facing today is like we are you know we are seeing like the the decentralized identity where the standards are kind of taking off but the same time they're not they're not not enough like resources to support like our work right we also like we're in an environment where resource or constraints and and and also like how in the in in that kind of environment how we provide incentives right to um to like stakeholders to be able to.
Lucy Yang: To really kind of come together and work on something and and probably and and what what I probably already talked about like in my previous um kind of presentation at ccg so this the 2 hacks there's no kind of.
Lucy Yang: There's no.
Lucy Yang: Prize money any any any organizations or any organizations participate need to really invest themselves like whether in the time of their people to really work on like you know to prepare for the 4 weeks and and also for them to the people to really travel because we asked each team to have like at least 2 people to to uh to join in person on on the on the event day to really kind of like travel and and accommodation really come to the event in person right so so this and especially when you know there's no kind of money incentive how to really align people like the you know the interest like the of different parties to be able to pull something together so that that's something like really this event really helped you know a a good way of of for us to learn how to really be be very clear with like what objectives and also what is in there for different stakeholders and and also when we're reaching out to relying parties really kind of have an understanding of the different level like of um where they're at and not.
Lucy Yang: Now trying to kind of get.
Lucy Yang: People who are not there yet but also providing kind of like strong narratives why it matters to to them and let them make an informed decision so that's you know that was really really helpful and and another kind of takeaway you know especially for me as a business person really coordinating the entire process to learn about where where like the tech and standard you know the Readiness is because because a lot of sometimes for me like it it doesn't sound difficult but really when I'm looking at how like manners team and a few other you know like Google like pitched in to help with some of the teams and with issues with open Wallet Called Quest some of you know also Spruce and was very involved in kind of all like how how how people on board with the wallet and style really when working with these teams like on a technical side to really try to solve them these issues like roadblocks for the for the hackathon teams really helped me um as a business person who was not too deep deeply involved in the standards or Tech development to understand where things are today and some of the kind of the main things that kind of stand in the way of of adoption.
Lucy Yang: And last.
Lucy Yang: Mention a lot of really about the community and collaboration so this is actually the third time I'm doing this kind of a similar presentation um I post the hackathon like the first 1 it did it was at oh WF a few weeks ago and I did in person when when I was at when I was in Zurich for for dice um like 2 3 weeks ago and I'm doing it again and I do I truly believe that this kind of like community in collaboration really sharing what what you know I've learned what our company has learned and continue collaborating with you know broadly with different communities and to really kind of because because at the end of the day like you know like California DMV right and also Plus open ID foundation work kind of a the main organized we're co-hosting it but without like support of the community like who have spreading the word we really kind of providing tooling and providing support a lot of them involuntary manner if this this 1 have happened and I think another kind of um.
Lucy Yang: Clear when so clear um uh went to the identity and payment Summit and I hosted by and secure technology Alliance like a month ago in in San Diego so they had an mdl showcase which actually and they organized like you know um and they organized in a way that kind of they learned from so we spoke quite a few times with the the some of the core organizers of the mdl Showcase we share our experience hosting we're you know hoping host a hackathon and they kind of learned from that experience and designed it for for for a different event and so this is also kind of the community part how how how you know the the California kind of uh Community hackathon could really kind of helped either other kind of organizations who are thinking about something similar the experiences they are really can learn you know.
Lucy Yang: To share.
Lucy Yang: So these kind of like engagement will keep happening across different parts of the community so that's kind of like um.
Lucy Yang: Some of the key kind of learnings and takeaways and with that I would love to see if if Kia and Manu you know if you want to share it because you're you're you're also part part of that in you know in different ways anything you would like to share about that the hackathon.
Manu Sporny: Absolutely go ahead Kalia though.
Kaliya Young: Go ahead man.
Manu Sporny: Okay um uh yeah it was great I mean I think you know first of all like I cannot underscore how much Lucy was a force of nature that pulled all all the things from all the different you know organizations together I mean it it would not have.
Manu Sporny: Um uh it wouldn't have happened uh without Lucy she was very much at the at the center of making sure everyone had what they needed and organizing and and all that stuff so a huge huge thank you to to Lucy and and Kalia to um you know for for supporting that I feel like each plus 1 you know the it was really nice to see the community get together and it does take a lot of effort.
Manu Sporny: You know to get that that kind of group together and um get them interrupting um we could probably speak to it more from kind of a support uh perspective um uh it was it was very clear I think through the whole hackathon that um you know many of the people that were new to uh verifiable credentials and uh mdl and MDOC um really needed like tooling for their it teams to use some of them kind of came came to the table and um you know if there wasn't kind of ready tooling for them to kind of integrate with that would uh move them forward they they tended to not not do super well right I mean we we had a couple of early contacts with groups that um uh you know either weren't Fielding their own software or didn't have an IT team to to put the new software in place and that resulted in them kind of having to you know back away a.
Manu Sporny: But um 1 of the other you know upsides is that you know having tooling there really accelerated that you know the organization's ability to figure out um you know whether or not this thing's going to going to work for them um.
Manu Sporny: 1 Of the other things that's Lucy you know mentioned that was really nice to see is like the very broad like diversity among the different use cases like they weren't all like age verification and they weren't all like um uh you know handing over your your driver's license at a at a traffic stop um there were a number of financial industry use cases for like ekyc um there were a number of really interesting um uh kind of um migrant worker uh use cases um uh and things of that nature um.
Manu Sporny: Lucy also mentioned that in that slide deck uh they also um you know talked to how they're using um things like um uh uh these new digital Technologies for things like vehicle registration and disability placards and uh emergency credentials for individuals um that have been you know a part of uh like a disaster to like rapidly re onboard them uh in their idea.
Manu Sporny: Um so it was it was the the number of use cases um was pretty uh nice to see like it was a broad swath of things I think 1 of the things that our community tends to get a bit concerned about is like is this just about you know driver's licenses and only driver's licenses or you know is this just about age verification and only H verification but I think the hackathon kind of showed you know all the different industries that are looking at uh using you know digital credentials to kind of enhance um you know the way they they interact with people either by you know making things more fraud resistant uh or um you know making certain business processes move faster or you know being able to do these things online whereas before you had to like physically drive to a location to to do a particular business process so it was good it was it was a really really great event and again huge plus 1 to.
Manu Sporny: Uh you know helped help everyone you know be successful there um especially uh Lucy that's it.
Harrison_Tang: Lucy like what do you think is the most surprising on anticipate a use case that you you uh learn from the the sack.
Lucy Yang: This is a question for me.
Lucy Yang: I don't know what is.
Lucy Yang: All surprising I I wouldn't say anything is is is surprising but I I I think that so there is a few use cases where like I'm the out is just a starting point.
Lucy Yang: So there's really kind of how what.
Lucy Yang: 1 Thing so if.
Lucy Yang: So if you look at the the Kaiser Permanente uh um that use case it was about how you know there in healthcare and insurance right it's like is so they work in a use case about enroll enrollment in employer benefits systems and and government fund funded programs and then house plans right is there have like multiple kind of level of kind of use of mobile drivers as a mobile drivers as this is just a part of it right because it's really kind of going back to maannews point not just about like you know getting you know used very you know use mobile drivers lessons for for like age age verification like a simple use case where probably what what will claim to our mind when we're thinking about mobile drivers and they're kind of a lot of like deeper use cases that mobile driver sizes will play a critical role I think those ones are are particularly in an eye-opening for me I wouldn't be say surprising it's just not something that all like as natural as intuitive as the ah verification what.
Lucy Yang: Hope hope that makes.
Harrison_Tang: Got it thanks dimitry.
Harrison_Tang: Demetri I think you're on the queue.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh thanks uh thanks everyone and thank you Lucy uh really great presentation my question is about the Apple wallet and Google Wallet supports.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh so so 1 of the earlier slides mentioned that they added support for mobile driver's licenses I'm assuming the iso standard not VC 1.1.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Uh and my my question is.
Dmitri Zagidulin: What level of support is it does it do any kind of signature does it do any kind of selective disclosure is it just I'm able to show the card and pull it up uh just just curious what uh big Tech is thinking at this very moment.
Lucy Yang: I may not be able to give you the answer that you need but what I can say is that at the time of the hackathon which was like last fall right like the Apple and Google Wallet was not part of the scope for the hackathon so it's so they're they're critical in the sense that you know the launch we knew that because of that launch and more more Californians will get um a mobile driver's license and want to use it make you know 1 or more of a ball drivers more useful but but this.
Lucy Yang: Are closed and the launch was pretty close to the hackathon so both wallet were not part of the um the scope for the hackathon and depending you know on your right in terms of at least in my knowledge um is only the iso um standard that were supported in both wallet I actually don't know why things are today and also what to what extent I can share I can share on the other technical aspect.
Harrison_Tang: By the way dimitry I I have the California driver license on my iPhone Apple wallet and I have downloaded the California DMV uh wallet I think for the Apple wallet it's just showing the card that's it I don't think it has a selected disclosures or anything like that.
Harrison_Tang: Uh I also yeah I also know that uh uh the digital credentials API their work will include selected disclosure but in regards to the current implementation for the wallets I don't think it has selected disclosure.
Harrison_Tang: All right Richard.
Richard: All right what's the next step for the California mdl especially for remote presentation I know in January they're talking about having a public uh a public test portal for in late February so I'm interested with the status of that is.
Lucy Yang: Richard I know like you you signed up for this we're still working on it so it's not it's not it it's just yeah it's it's getting it's getting close um so so like if you.
Lucy Yang: The public and slides I shared um on the DMV slice of ritual speaking to um 1 of the next staff that we announced um in the on the January public briefing is really trying to because we the the the hackathon allowed like the um companies and implementers relying parties to more easily kind of engage with the California DMV and leverage of the tooling and support so that's also part of the goals that we want make it easier for for smaller bigger companies to to be able to kind of test mobile drivers when a mobile driver's license and and and in January we did set that we're we're working on kind of a process to allow more entities beyond the hackathon teams to be able to do it so what I can say we're still we're still on it and it's definitely have we have made some progress I don't have like kind of a a a date for you yet but it's definitely getting getting closer so hopefully you know like.
Lucy Yang: You will be able to access that soon um and and and and what I can say is it won't be for everyone because we do have limited resources like would you like a California have limited resources is not like decision I I you know I'm able to make um but definitely we're like like I mentioned in my earlier presentation like the support to on a reliant parties implemented entire so it's still ongoing because I'm still kind of engaging with quite some hackathon teams and and to to really help them um so that's kind of so on the way did I did I.
Richard: Thank you that's helpful when should we follow up next do you think it's a month away or multiple months.
Lucy Yang: I hopefully it shouldn't be multiple months um I hopefully we can have because I we we did have a kind of a express your interest form right and whoever like you who have signed up for for this hopefully we can get at least give you an update very very soon.
Lucy Yang: I'm I'm actively working on it today so definitely it's not like shouldn't be too far away.
Manu Sporny: No I wanted to come back to Kalia to get her thoughts on the hackathon.
Kaliya Young: Um sure uh I got to be a judge in the first 1 I think um.
Kaliya Young: The range of of different entities involved was um good to see so we had everything from an undisclosed financial institution to folks um.
Kaliya Young: Building apps for uh bouncers to use at the door to scan um.
Kaliya Young: Scan ID cards um of when folks are entering bars um.
Kaliya Young: I'm being a judge is hard.
Kaliya Young: That all sounds great right how do you evaluate all these things.
Kaliya Young: Yeah and I think the the 1 for the public sector it was great to see there was actually folks from other countries who are participating as well.
Kaliya Young: Um so the definition of public sector was like California and Beyond and that was really nice to see.
Kaliya Young: Yeah so those are those are some thoughts.
Harrison_Tang: May I ask like who do you pick uh who did you pick as a winner and why.
Kaliya Young: Oh um we actually I think it's somewhere on the slides probably um we didn't actually have we sort of had like categories that we selected people we thought did well in we didn't really have like an ultimate winner.
Kaliya Young: So yeah I can't I was it was in the fall I was in the beginning of October so I'm not totally sure but I think it's in the in the documents we have.
Lucy Yang: Now what I.
Harrison_Tang: What about like sorry.
Lucy Yang: So how is it just on that point I want to add is um like some so for the first event um we're even just in general for the both event we provided some kind of um.
Lucy Yang: Kind of not just the criteria some of the um like the main things that um like experts and judges were even audience will want to see right like the the private you know security and privacy preserving and you know a viability of the use cases and there like you know user experience so these are some like metrics that we you know kind of we provided to the team so they can they can they can be cognizant that when they're developing their use case in the presentations so clear was speaking to like the first event and you know we we did have some kind of like best user experience you know best privacy you know I mean design and a best privacy and security design you know more social impactful use cases where most compelling use cases so like the video like I was referring to earlier like the 10-minute video at the end of that there is kind of a complete list of like what what you know which which team and and which team got got what kind of recognition and for the second for the public sector event like we didn't do kind of a judging only expert panel so we had kind of.
Lucy Yang: And I you know for for some of the some of the categories because at the end of the day it's not about competition it's really recognizing what we know recognizing that you know where where given where we're at today right like you know some of the the the good things like the back the good practices like the teams are you know the the teams are are.
Lucy Yang: Are are.
Harrison_Tang: Any last questions.
Harrison_Tang: Well thank you uh thanks Lucy uh for a great work and organizing and sharing your thoughts here so uh thanks a lot.
Lucy Yang: Thank you for having me and thanks everyone for for questions.
Harrison_Tang: Great uh so this concludes that this is meeting uh thanks Lucy and thanks everyone for attending.