Jonathan Holt: I'm a physician by training, trained in clinical informatics. Worked on a series of companies. Now CMIO at Consensys Health. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
William Claxton: William from Brussels, project manager on project EuroPass, run by the E.U. commission. Some of my colleagues are also on this call today. We are interested in cooperation between EuroPass and W3C [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
Manu Sporny: So awesome to have Nacho and William here on the call today! :) ✪
William Claxton: EuroPass is project related to skills and qualifications, building tools and standards to implement skills and qualifications across the E.U. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
William Claxton: Our guiding principle is that what we do should be W3C compliant. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
William Claxton: Thanks for inviting us to the call. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: I am one of the two convenors of the diploma use case. Related to what William introduced, we will use EuroPass. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
Heather Vescent: Topic: Announcements and reminders. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello] ✪
Heather Vescent: This is the 6th weeks of Identiverse, I just recorded a video for that. It will go on for another 2 weeks. Registration is free. There are a lot of really cool sessions. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Thanks to Orie_ , we got some insight into community group licenses. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: There are two take aways: 1. We have an increasing amount of work items related on sample implementations. The community license doesn't really cover work like this. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: This license is about specs and test suite, but may not be suitable for all implementations ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Orie_ suggested Apache2, the chairs need to follow up on this ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: The default we include in repos is missing the full text of the W3C's recommend CG license ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: We need to update all the existing repos accordingly ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: We will try to make it easier to do the right thing going forward, so things are set up correctly ✪
Orie Steele: Yes, thanks to Kim for tracking this down! ✪
Heather Vescent: Thanks kimhd for your diligent follow-up on the licensing topic, this is hard work that gives clarity ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: There is however a lot prior work on educational data standards. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: But for using these, one challenge is that we need to work with XML ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: The goal is to try to find possible solutions ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: In contrast to other use cases, in this are there is a lot of precedent of Linked Data use, e.g. for competencies definitions. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: All of this work enables alignment and transferability ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: One example application is Credential Finder ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: There is also a lot of precedent in the European Qualification Framework, there is a lot of work on alignment of different levels of achievements. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: There is also LER Hub, which is gathering resources. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: If your degree data is outdated, it limits your capabilities, so this is about empowering people. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: The idea that records need to be portable is becoming more important. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: There is a lot of existing work in XML, what do we do with it? Two examples. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Example 1: EDCI... Mapped the VC data model to XML. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Currently VC has two serializations, but it should be possible to support others. ✪
Manu Sporny: Very happy that EDCI authors are on the call today so we can talk about this... think there is a better solution. ✪
Manu Sporny: (That is just a slight change from what they're doing) ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Why did they do it? There are eIDAS digital signature requirements. There's a need to use XML. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: VC data model does not currently define an XML serialization. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: In our VC for Education group, what guidance do we give? What's okay as a short time measure? ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Other options we have not seen yet are mapping XML to JSON or JSON-LD. We haven't seen this yet but it has been discussed. This needs discussion by the standards group. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Given there are different requirements, e.g. in the case of eIDAS, this may support one solution over another. ✪
Nacho Alamillo: In the EU we have the regulation that supports the movement of legal documents between member states. There is a regulation that define the syntax formats. There are specifications for advanced signatures. If you use any format in the E.U. decision, any member state will recognize it. ✪
Nacho Alamillo: We are also working in EBSI, inside the technical committee, we are working on a new technical specification (JADES - JSON Advanced Electronic Signatures) ✪
Nacho Alamillo: In the regulation, it's also possible to support different methods to validate signatures. We have explored this in the EBSI project, there is work happening on an eIDAS bridge. I have written about this is in my legal report. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: There is a different between draft standards and it actually being available to public administrations. You would probably talk about 3-5 years of lag before this hits the type of production we are talking about. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: In the meantime, in the meantime, Europe has built its educational infrastructure on XML, e.g. for exchanging student data in XML. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: I've been heading one of those, trying to express VCs and XML ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: 4 Signature formats: Digital signature : XAdES, CAdES, PAdES and ASiC-S/ASiC-E ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: The reason I'm giving this information, this is all standardization work. We are aiming for two things. We hope to have an XML recommendation from VC Task Force that would allow us to say that we can be in line using XML, but probably will want to change to JSON over time. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: We are talking about issuing credentials in the millions. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: We woud like an XML namespace dedicated to VCs. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: Second, it would be very very nice to be able to have a schema definition file that says this is a recommended implementation of VCs in XML. ✪
Lluís Alfons Ariño: I'm not technical enough to talk about XML vs. RDF/XML, but a high level message is that it will be preferable to have a schema definition recommended by the CG. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Back to you heathervescent for queue management ✪
Orie Steele: This is really exciting work, I have done some experiments converting JSON-LD VCs to XML and back. Depending on your tolerance, there are mechanisms for converting. There are similar mechanisms for binary representations. ✪
Orie Steele: We can rely on JSON-LD vocabularies, and then convert to other serializations. The advantage is that you don't have to repeat vocabularies in each seralization, but only have to do it once. ✪
@Orie we are seeing similar things dealing with conversions between xml and jsonld in particular for supply chain and retail legacy formats ✪
Manu Sporny: First, thank you William NachoAlamillo larinyo for being here, this is very important and this group cares deeply. Second, this is the right place, there is a lot of experience in this group, please continue to engage with it. ✪
Manu Sporny: Also, work that happens here (e.g. XML serialization of VCs) can then go into the VC Maintenance WG. ✪
Manu Sporny: Regarding what to specifically work on, I heard each of you mention two primary thigns. ✪
Manu Sporny: One is a requirement for a clean XML representation. The second has to do with digital signature formats that you just outlined. ✪
Manu Sporny: Ideally we would provide a profile that matches well with XML. One failure scenario would be to try to support absolutely everything. ✪
Manu Sporny: There would be too many options, we should reduce optionality. ✪
Manu Sporny: The other important thing, as Orie_ mentioned, a few of us have been working on converting VCs into other formats, e.g. CBOR or XML. ✪
Nacho Alamillo: Agree. In fact, the idea of having advanced electronic signature "baseline" profiles is to reduce complexity, yes ✪
Manu Sporny: There are some common design patterns we can use for full round-tripping. ✪
Manu Sporny: What we would need to know is feedback on the XML format, what should it look like. And we need to understand the exact requirements for the digital signatures. ✪
Manu Sporny: I'm hearing a strong requirement to encode in XML. If that's a hard requiement, then maybe what we should do is an XML serialization. I'm not sure if this is the preference ✪
Juan Caballero: (Also Manu's explicit pronunciation of X-ADES is helpful :D ) ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Unfortunately no good examples exist yet, but see this document above. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: People from the relevant bodies are very supportive and are helping us going through the data modeling process. The understanding has to be that anything in here is a draft. ✪
Kim Hamilton Duffy: The other goal is allow pilots to be unblocked and get started. ✪
Heather Vescent: Also thank you from my part to everyone who spoke and contributed today. ✪
Orie Steele: The SDS Working Group is a joint effort between W3C and DIF. The purpose is to support the concept of data storage that's associated with DIDs. ✪
Orie Steele: The use cases are things like storing wallet contents, storing things associated with a DID, sharing access between DIDs. ✪
Orie Steele: It's a generic data structure, not limited to DIDs. ✪
Orie Steele: The work is ongoing, there have been two primary input documents. 1. Encrypted Data Vault spec at W3C CCG, 2. Identity Hub spec developed at DIF. ✪
Orie Steele: Those are similar in some ways, different in other ways. The SDS Working Group is still working through the differences, the interfaces, etc. ✪
Orie Steele: EDVs are for storing encrypted data. Identity Hubs have a lot of public data use cases. ✪
Orie Steele: We will eventually see deeper integration between those interfaces and other standards happening out there. ✪