John Kuo: Preconditions: Janes needs wallet... ? ✪
<john_kuo> Have Grad student doing UX research, how important is a wallet long term...
<john_kuo> GTPE needs to issue and print, local company needs verification and ingest
John Kuo: Flow: current, local company doesn't use VCs ✪
<john_kuo> Separate one for when they can
<john_kuo> - Completes course in LMS
<john_kuo> - LMS issues / claim course
<john_kuo> - Jane gets credential
<john_kuo> Repeat
<john_kuo> For 4 credentials
<john_kuo> SIS issues certificate
<john_kuo> Gets in wallet and printable certificate
<john_kuo> Has a unique serial number
<john_kuo> Jane presents certificate, gets recorded in HR system
<john_kuo> Jane has all 5 digital certificates
<john_kuo> Long term: local company can recognize VCs
<john_kuo> Jane can just share VCs
<john_kuo> When there is a framework Jane can be recognized as candidate
Kerri Lemoie: This is just digital? [scribe assist by John Kuo] ✪
<john_kuo> Second case version is digital VC sharing only
Kerri Lemoie: Is unique ID tied to certificate? [scribe assist by John Kuo] ✪
<john_kuo> How is serial number used?
<john_kuo> Interesting to note
John Kuo: ASU has a use case for having an external id and an attachment for paper or paper-like. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
John Kuo: External id maps to external system that's not a VC [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
John Kuo: Then build a connector to the VC. Pocket is a wallet that stores schemas and instances of VCs. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
John Kuo: Needs external ID and attachment, great use case [scribe assist by John Kuo] ✪
John Kuo: Add: this version doesn't need printable? ✪
<john_kuo> In second use case set maybe still need printable
John Kuo: Other use case - a vc with a corresponding child collection. Issue a credential that includes the child credentials based on business rules that help trigger that credential. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
John Kuo: For instance four courses & course completion. Done for transcript processing purposes. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
<juan_caballero_(spruce)> `evidence`?
John Kuo: Context needed. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
Kerri Lemoie: We need more 3rd party and verifier stories [scribe assist by John Kuo] ✪
John Kuo: Pocket working AZ Next - how to get in touch with organizations partnered with AZ Next. They don't want additional requirements. Probably will be a time before these orgs accept VCs. May take some time for this. Growing awareness fo benefits. [scribe assist by Kerri Lemoie] ✪
Matt Lisle: Seconds that, thinks companies are interested but not ready so much, they see it more as a retention [scribe assist by John Kuo] ✪