The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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VC for Education Task Force

Transcript for 2022-07-25

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Kerri Lemoie: Can you folks hear me okay.
Kerri Lemoie: Great hey welcome to the Monday July 25th call for verifiable credentials for Education. Our main topic today is essential as identifiers 101 we're going to do some basic introductions to what did tsar and based on the decentralized identifier specification that was just approved.
Kerri Lemoie: And we'll take a slight BC I do angle to this but it's going to be a pretty basic calls that we can start setting up some 101 documentation and get your questions and hopefully answer some of them.
<colin,_learning_economy> gm gm

Topic: IP Note

Kerri Lemoie: We have a few things to go over before we get started the first is the IP note anyone can participate in these causes are open calls however all substitutive contributions to any of the ccg work items specification items should be done by members of the credential community group with full IP our agreement signed to do that first you would sign up for a W3 account and then you would join the ccg the credential.

Topic: Call Notes

Kerri Lemoie: Secondly these meetings and audio recording for these meetings we do a transcription so you will see a robot transcriber you probably see it right now in the chat and we also do an audio recording and I believe we are doing video recordings of these calls if you see the transcriber is going awry and I'm saying things that haven't been said or misinterpreting language you can go ahead and help.
Kerri Lemoie: As with this so we can the most.
Kerri Lemoie: Get minutes passed.
<kerri_lemoie> how to correct the transcriber: s/wrong/correct
Kerri Lemoie: By doing substitutions right in the chat and it's easy and you can do this by Titan s /o wrong term and then correct one and I just put this in the chat right now let's see how to wreck the transcriber.
Kerri Lemoie: Thank you I missed calls we also use a cue system so DQ yourself up please put a q+ in the chat and Duty or remove yourself from the queue predict you - I'm if you know what your comment is about is helpful for us to know so maybe we can leave it into the conversation you can cure yourself up with with the words following like the topic description.
Kerri Lemoie: Like this.
Kerri Lemoie: And then I'm going to remove myself from thank you.

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

Kerri Lemoie: Okay why don't we start with some introductions and reintroductions is there anyone who's new to the call today or has come back to the fall today and would like to tell us about themselves and maybe we can reduction or tell us about work that you're doing anything that's changed for you just queueyourself up right now and we'd love to hear from you.
Kerri Lemoie: My folks are debating that I'm going to do a substitution right now.

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

<kerri_lemoie> Upcoming CCG Meetings & Events:
<kerri_lemoie> VC-EDU Task Force mailing list, you can join here:
Kerri Lemoie: Have announcements and reminders first is that any sort of upcoming ccg events are usually announced on this page also there is a public mailing list for the CG where agenda announcements are sent out before the the primary group we also have a mailing list specific for VC edgy that you can join here I'll put this in the chat for you.
Kerri Lemoie: And this is actually an archive page so you can click on this link and see all archived emails that happen on this thread there is a subscribe link that's a mail to link that you can use to join the list and all you do is send the email with subscribe in the subject you don't need a message for that.
Kerri Lemoie: Does anybody else here today have any announcements.
Phil_L_(P1): If you can hear me I'll be happy to make one Carrie.
Phil_L_(P1): One two one two no.
Kerri Lemoie: Phil long once you try again I don't see you in a few and I don't hear you.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I could hear it though.
<simone_ravaioli> Yes
Phil_L_(P1): I guess I better hear me now.
<kate_giovacchini> Hearing Phil
Stuart Freeman: Yes I hear you.
Phil_L_(P1): You heard me.
<john_kuo> I can hear Phil
Phil_L_(P1): Okay doesn't look like Carrie can.
Colin,_Learning_Economy: Here you go it's kind of strange I think others said they could hear as well.
Phil_L_(P1): Can you hear me.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Wait Harry can you hear us.
Kerri Lemoie: Okay Phil and I touch base with you towards the end of the call and then see if you have some damn you okay.
<kate_giovacchini> Can Kerri hear anyone else? Yeah.
Phil_L_(P1): Try again John.
<sharon_leu> I can hear you, Phil
Dmitri Zagidulin: Do you care.
<simone_ravaioli> Yes
<colin,_learning_economy> We can hear you Kerri!
Kerri Lemoie: Carrie here I am the one with sound issues apparently you can hear me though which is good give me one moment.
<colin,_learning_economy> But not sure you can hear us
<phil_l_(p1)> Kerri there are others who can hear me but each other
<kate_giovacchini> Check speaker--I had mine off. LOL
Kerri Lemoie: Okay Phil can you try that again I think I may have fixed my idea.
Phil_L_(P1): Alright is this better.
Kerri Lemoie: There you are yeah sorry about that please take the floor.
Phil_L_(P1): That's all right I'm off and have trouble connecting attended yesterday just a quick note that we have submitted a paper to the rebooting the web of Trust on the endorsement credential which we use some time ago you and I will put the link for that in chat is going to be here.
Phil_L_(P1): And and we will be holding a session hopefully sometime in the near future at another we see edu meeting.
Kerri Lemoie: Thanks Phil you know you Phil's been working on this for a long time and really been pushing pushing this topic I had it's just take a look at this and read our thoughts on this and how how this can be done we'd like to work with all of you in this open community.
Kerri Lemoie: Okay the queue is empty Dimitri and Simone do you have anything before I get started on our dids 101.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Nothing for me.
<phil_l_(p1)> Thanks to Dmitri for his expert guidance on the endorsement credential work, and Kerri for critical input and comments
Kerri Lemoie: Okay thank you thanks feel free to I jump in at any time and also let me know if there's anything in the Keel so I can kind of keep an eye on it I'm going to share my screen.

Topic: Main Topic: DIDs 101 at VC-EDU

Kerri Lemoie: Hey can you see my screen.
Phil_L_(P1): Yes we can.
Kerri Lemoie: Website before we get started Jonathan I see you just added yourself to the queue I took yourself off from the queue are you all set.
Jonathan_Bethune: I didn't do a thumbs up.
Kerri Lemoie: Oh good thank you okay.
Kerri Lemoie: Hey Sue the aims of this discussion.
<kate_giovacchini> P1, please put yourself on mute.
Kerri Lemoie: I'm having a little bit of feedback.
Kerri Lemoie: If you have your mic on would you mind.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> it's Phil L
Kerri Lemoie: Harold I'm having audio issues today.
<kate_giovacchini> GTG
Kerri Lemoie: Still there we go okay that's much better thank you all right.
Kerri Lemoie: Themes of today's call is to basically have an introduction to decentralize identifiers and why this matters for us for educational training and achievement verifiable credentials we're going to be doing this sort of deconstructing the did core specification really at a very I was at a very high level but also at a we're going to take in a little bit but we're not going to get into.
Kerri Lemoie: How do you actually implement this.
Kerri Lemoie: It's so it is sort of a broader understanding of how it did Czar how they work why we need them and and some examples of what they look like.
Kerri Lemoie: Then we're going to do is we're going to see if some questions come up and later on we're going to turn these slides into the archive of this call into my resource so please feel free to ask your questions and I guarantee that if you have them that others have them to also we have quite a few people on the call today and I know that many of you are very much more deeply experienced and knowledgeable about it so I hope that you can jump on the Queue and share what you know as well.
Kerri Lemoie: Hey so why did he need this.
Kerri Lemoie: So we have right now we use a lot of globally you need at Affairs telephone numbers email addresses usernames on websites government ID diverse domain names and none of these are under our control very we rent them we someone gives them to us.
Kerri Lemoie: We have they were taken away from us right so for instance or also they could be replicated like how many times have you gotten a phishing email spam email or even you know a text that looks like it's coming from somebody and these are things that exist out in the world that we use to like represent ourselves and to communicate but they don't actually represent us they are created by us at all and then you know that's how the area has been all along that's how you know it's probably going to be for some time.
Kerri Lemoie: But in the meantime.
Kerri Lemoie: So we can that you can shift this a little bit.
Kerri Lemoie: We should also note that in educational credentials like badges we've historically use email addresses to represent the Learners and this has been a problem because Learners May or individuals idlers may use lose those email addresses from your institutions or employers may take away those email addresses I know like I've encountered this where I've had accounts with email address and then if I can't access that email address anymore then I can't prove that I have control over it if you.
Kerri Lemoie: Can't prove that you've contributed.
Kerri Lemoie: All over the identifier that you are using for a credential that you can't really prove that credential is yours and maybe sometimes it doesn't matter in the short term but in a matter longer in life and that's sort of what we want to think about when you I'm going to put the link to the slides here in the chat for you so you can follow along and have access to all the links.
Kerri Lemoie: I am minor 7th slide I've made links to that pet that section of the dock and also any sort of ancillary references so for instance at the bottom of this document we have a link to the did use cases where you can read more about why we're going to be like how we could use did some of those use cases are.
Kerri Lemoie: So what is it right attend size identify or a did is a globally unique identifier.
Kerri Lemoie: It can that the specification says that it refers to any subject us to be a person organization a thing a data model abstract entity anything and I was as however the controller of the did decides and.
Kerri Lemoie: We talked about it in this context more for education or training or to cheat if you my credentials but dudes can also represent books or you know supplies you mostly they're used for Supply management now than anything else but it because in this context we want to use people be able to use them in organizations be able to use them we're investigating them more right here at VC-EDU.
Kerri Lemoie: So did Zara.
Kerri Lemoie: Unique identifier they can be created by individuals organizations to represent themselves they create them they create them using some kind of a tool provided to create them whenever they want however they work that is it the plan anyway that is the idea they can also be deleted right the control is should be right there by the individuals or the organization's you can have as many as you want you can use them as many different contexts as we want and that is very.
Kerri Lemoie: Different than how we use identifiers online.
Kerri Lemoie: Did Sarah Fenton hated by proof of control using cryptographic groups and so what does that mean right this means cryptographic ography Works in a way that the way we haven't talked about it here anyway is public and private key pairs so you have a private key and that means that it is associated with a public key that public can see I often use a house analogy for this where you.
Kerri Lemoie: You might have the address of where I live but.
Kerri Lemoie: Key to get into that house and is the private key that actually proves control of ditz and we're not going to get too much into the different proof methods and encryption types that are out there we could probably have another call about that as we get closer to cluckfest to but today I think it is enough probably to know that if you create a did.
Kerri Lemoie: You typically have.
Kerri Lemoie: I have a key that you control to prove control of that did we are going to show one other example though called did with that that breaks that move just a little bit.
Kerri Lemoie: And I'm just going to check the queue and see if I should pause there there's any questions.
Kerri Lemoie: This is what it looks like.
Kerri Lemoie: I'm giving us even the cutest give them get through this part and then we had colony.
Kerri Lemoie: So did see are your eyes they associate a did subject with a did document the did document describes how a did can be how the proof of control can be verified.
Kerri Lemoie: Um the actual statement from the specification says dids are you are eyes that Associated did subject with a did document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject and they look like.
Kerri Lemoie: And you are eyes actually looks like the sweet example of another kind of a URI is a URL instead of did here which describes describes the scheme of this URI you are much more familiar with seeing HTTP which describes how to access your l in a web browser.
Kerri Lemoie: With the did.
Kerri Lemoie: You have the.
Kerri Lemoie: Mm did this is the says this this URI is did and this is the did method and the did method describes there's so many of them it describes how this did can be verified it points to the did documents now get that a little bit more but each each method provides different ways of proving control of the did and then lastly is the unique identifier for that did method.
Kerri Lemoie: But David you have the floor.
<phil_l_(p1)> Actually you can control the identifier in the sense that you can create it or remove it. The question of how credible the DID doc references that give someone multiple attributes about you is a different question.
<phil_l_(p1)> Similarly the question of key backup is a different question as well.
Kerri Lemoie: I'm going to call on TV tree but first I just want to say thank you for sharing your opinion David I'm today we're just reviewing what is in the document certainly there are challenges to consider with any technology and appreciate you bringing that up Dimitri.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I just wanted to follow on you David.
Dmitri Zagidulin: The famous line in this is not even who is controlling like yeah there's an enable digital a lot more control about they're both identity but even for institutional control.
<kate_giovacchini> A little hard to hear--maybe that mic can be closer.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Did provide a number of technical features that made even if none of the power structures control structures or anything like that changes did Stone able to use previous systems just much easier much better with probation revocation capabilities Discovery capabilities and and in addition to giving us say.
Dmitri Zagidulin: A bigger URL space than just the web for example in which to explore theirs.
Kerri Lemoie: Thanks to entry I think it's great to have this time this rounded discussion about it and I'm just going to get back to our unpacking of the the did Doc did course back now and and then we hopefully will have some room at the end of the call to have further discussion about this topic.
Kerri Lemoie: In the next section I that I have here in the slides come right from the the document from the specification this is the design goals of the centralized identifiers and I'm going to go through them pretty quickly here so that you sort of understand what the aims are for centralized identifiers and and understand sort of that angle of it a little bit better so here's here's what the specification spills out.
Kerri Lemoie: The first thing on the list is.
Kerri Lemoie: Actions and seeds to eliminate the requirement for centralized authorities or single point of failure and identifier management including the registration of globally unique identifiers and public verification keeps.
Kerri Lemoie: Second is control.
Kerri Lemoie: This gives and his employers identifiers aim to give entities with human and non-human the power to directly control their digital identifiers without the need to rely on external authorities.
Kerri Lemoie: Next is privacy dids enable entities to control the privacy of their information including minimal selective and Progressive disclosure of attributes or other data.
Kerri Lemoie: It may have security dids enables efficient security for requesting parties to depend on did documents for their required level of assurance we're going to talk about did documents a little bit next and how they work.
Kerri Lemoie: Did the naval did controllers to provide cryptographic proof when they're interacting with other entities.
Kerri Lemoie: Discoverability makes it possible for instance he discovered bids for other entities to learn more about or interact with those entities.
Kerri Lemoie: Interoperability which we talked about a lot here in this space especially verifiable credentials use interoperable standards so that the did infrastructure can make use of existing tools and software libraries designed for interoperability we're going to have two tools that we're going to talk about in a little while.
Kerri Lemoie: Did she system our aim to be system and network independent and enable entities to use a digital identifiers with any system that supports dudes and did methods and simplicity dudes favor A reduced set of simple features to make the technology easier to understand and Implement and deploy.
<davidc> I wonder why none of the comments I made have made it into the minutes, yet Dmitri's response did?
Kerri Lemoie: Extensibility when possible we are possible Disney able extensibility provides it does not greatly hinder interoperability portability or Simplicity that's how they worded it in the documents reading it right from there let me see who is in the queue I think I heard someone come up okay.
Kerri Lemoie: Is how do you dudes work.
Kerri Lemoie: Like we said above I'm dids are you arise that associate the did subject with a did document that allows trustable interactions associated with that subject.
Kerri Lemoie: This screenshot right here in the slide is it a base example very simple example of a did document that is in the specification.
Kerri Lemoie: This document contains information that's to associate with the do such as ways to cryptographically authenticate the controller.
Kerri Lemoie: It's method of the did that explains how to retrieve this document the document and how the proof of control of the did can be performed for that method.
Kerri Lemoie: Is that does anybody have anything they want to ask right now I don't see anyone in the queue but I just want to make sure that everybody is all with me.
Kerri Lemoie: So we're going to go through three examples.
Kerri Lemoie: Um these were chosen these three examples were chosen because they were the top three methods that are being used by the plugfest one participants.
Kerri Lemoie: Is a no favoritism in my apart this is just what the data shows the first one though is that did key.
Kerri Lemoie: So this is what it did he look like.
Kerri Lemoie: And you can see it is a did the name of the method is key and then here's a you guys identifiers in this example.
Kerri Lemoie: The document for a dick he explains the cryptographic method that's associated with the did and it looks like this.
Kerri Lemoie: This also provides the information that you need to prove control over did key note that I did he doesn't use a blockchain at all it relies on the holder of the did to prove that they have control of the private key that is associated with the public key in the did document and that is that there is no blockchain involved there's no writing to a blockchain is simply stored on a computer that is being used or the the app the mobile device that's being used is generated there and stored there.
Kerri Lemoie: Did kids use being used a lot right.
Kerri Lemoie: Now because it's really.
Kerri Lemoie: Did Implement there's a lot of libraries for it and most of the implications right now least in our VC Edge you space are the pilots that are using this.
Kerri Lemoie: Next example that we have here.
Kerri Lemoie: Did web is based on the URL this note that I put here comes from the did word explanation here in the registry is the fully qualified domain name that secured by TLS or SSL certificate eyes with an optional path to a did document and how this works is that someone applies for a domain name at a register and then they associate a domain name with an IP address where it can be located and then it did.
Kerri Lemoie: And with the json-ld that looks something like.
Kerri Lemoie: This is actually stored on that server where that domain is and and that is how that one works there are no keys involved it is all done through the SSL register and improving control of the domain.
Kerri Lemoie: The third one that's the most popular being used because especially it's a very early one is did sov.
Kerri Lemoie: Only in red here because that's how it is in the specification this is a screenshot it doesn't it's not read because you know read to me is a very strong color anyway this is an example of a did self and it's created on a public blockchain called Sovereign it reads directly from Sovereign and then I'm did document is generated from that what is the results of the poll from The Sovereign blockchain and then proof of control is still based on the cryptographic key pairs.
Kerri Lemoie: Those are three examples that we have but as the publication of the did spec there are over 130 this said 103 103 sorry it's it's a lot prettier.
Kerri Lemoie: Will it typically means user need to look up all of these dad's probably not most applications will decide which ones to implement an overtime America will probably decide which ones that use the most and but until then probably there's going to be more before there will be less and what we have to look up dudes is it did specification registry and it contains an alphabetical list of the did methods put it right here.
Kerri Lemoie: Quite a few of these are using blockchain in fact I think maybe all of them are using black chain or some describe how to move from one black change to another I believe that is how how Carrie Works although I need to learn a little bit more about that some are Ledger agnostic to you.
Kerri Lemoie: This tree actually serves as the official registry and it stores all known Global parameters the property is the values so all of these documents here actually our reference from the from here so all of the information you want to learn how to read the document retrieve the document and verify that did all could be stored in the registry and so you can learn how to do that and decide which dids your applications are going to use.
Kerri Lemoie: But now we have a couple of tools.
Kerri Lemoie: I'm just going to highlight today one is did actor we used it after quite a bit during the plugfest I'm did actor you can create and resolved it you can also create and verify credentials and presentations.
Kerri Lemoie: Really super easy to use and it's a good way to go in and just play with play with things I don't know how many different types of did you can eat it looks like maybe you can only create did key on here but still it's a way to try that out and see how that works.
Kerri Lemoie: Secondly we have a universal resolver so with the resolver does as is it says this is how this it retrieves the actual document and I think that Marcus Marcus from Danny Tech is here Marcus are you here today so you'd mentioned you would be hearing kids her talk about Universal resolver if you are.
Markus Sabadello: I'm I'm here yes sir okay.
Kerri Lemoie: Hi do you mind explaining the resolver.
Markus Sabadello: Yes no problem.
Kerri Lemoie: Would you like me to hand the screen over to you or should I just leave it on the screen here.
Markus Sabadello: Are you can can also leave it here with you for now I think you've I think you've already explained all the important Concepts very well so as you as you said that it's have Associated the documents and you also explain the concept of 58 method I and as you as you said there are a lot of them and for each did method the process how you get from the deed to the document is very different right you.
Markus Sabadello: That some did method.
Markus Sabadello: Use block chains and added methods to not use block chains and that's one of the features of the it's if you think about it is kind of abstraction layer and and the fact that it's can work very differently underneath so that this process how you get from the D to the document initially a few years ago when we started to work on this we thought they would all be blockchain based on we thought we would need different did methods because you know there was.
Markus Sabadello: There was.
Markus Sabadello: There was a theory mm and there was Sovereign then there was various one and then those were all Ledger's and we thought that's why we need did methods but over time the concept of a did method has become much more flexible and people have come up with very Innovative types of these including things like the web and did these key that that you mentioned but what they all have in common is that there's always these resolutions step 4 you can get to the document and the universal resolved arisen.
Markus Sabadello: Implementation of I think about 45 different.
Markus Sabadello: You can pass in a dedicated web Deeds of the in the end and so on and it will be able to resolve it and it does that by using a set of what we call drivers right so it has a list of drivers and each driver implements added method and that's how it becomes a Universal resort branded can be useful in scenarios when when you're building applications.
Markus Sabadello: Services that you want to be.
Markus Sabadello: Headed with this.
Markus Sabadello: It methods to and this can be a useful tool of course it also has some some drawbacks probably on the technical level it's a pretty heavyweight service it's operated as a service with remote endpoint right so you you run it as a as a remote service it may introduce some dependencies that you may not always always one so for example if.
Markus Sabadello: If you're if you're just building.
Markus Sabadello: Occasions and services that that should work.
Markus Sabadello: State weapon did key then probably you don't need this tool because it's very easy to resolve it weaponed Tiki and you don't need to use such a heavy weight remote service like the universal resolver but if you want to be compatible with many did methods and then this could be useful and a final thing I will say is this is a community maintained or right so this is an open source project at the decentralized identity Foundation.
Markus Sabadello: Ian and those drivers those.
Markus Sabadello: So stay calm from different.
Markus Sabadello: They typically come from the same Community that's also that also invented the did method right at that's the intention if you decide if you design a new did method and it would be nice to also contribute a driver for the universal resolver so that people can can resolve your you did method.
Kerri Lemoie: Thank you Marcus is great one question I have for you is I'm you mentioned that it's a service is there some open source code or libraries that could people can install on their own their own applications instead of using the service.
Markus Sabadello: The whole thing is open source so what you're looking at here the user interface the API and the set of these these drivers you can take all of that and you can deploy it on your own server right so people are not really supposed to rely on on this one instance that you're looking at where it says they've taught you need to resolve a totally oh that's one instance of the universal resolver which diff is operating for the community and maybe it's it's good enough for some.
Markus Sabadello: Mentation but you should not rely on this one.
Kerri Lemoie: I guess that.
Markus Sabadello: And point there's also a warning little warning sign on the top right corner of the of the page so if you yeah it is one sexy it explains the downsides of this but it's open source and you can run your own instance of that instead of relying on the the instance that you're looking at.
Kerri Lemoie: I just had a link to get Hub in the chat is that the correct Repository.
Markus Sabadello: Yes that is the that is the source repository and that has some some information also on how it works and how to contribute drivers and how to install it it maybe I can.
Kerri Lemoie: I think you owe us okay.
Markus Sabadello: Maybe I'll just quickly also post the second repository so there's a lesser-known second open source project which is called Universal registrar so that's a similar idea similar design but that is not for resolving these that's for creating and updating and deactivating deeds and it's a bit more experimental it's not so much here and it doesn't support that many did methods but it's.
Markus Sabadello: Also modeled after the universal resources.
Markus Sabadello: Yeah but but for creating and managing these rather than resolving DIDs.
Kerri Lemoie: Thank you Marcos it's great really appreciate this work that you all do.
Kerri Lemoie: I'm also looking here I was looking at the GitHub repo for a good actor I'm going to put that in the chat as well.
<kerri_lemoie> github repo for did actor:
Kerri Lemoie: His folks who are interested in doing this might be able to look at that source and sort of back into how they would create it's on their system.
Kerri Lemoie: The queue is still empty the last thing I had for for today for now is all of these are all of the references that were mentioned throughout these slides the only one that I did not reference here didn't get into it too much at all actually is it did rubric and this may be interested interesting to some of you who are trying to evaluate.
Kerri Lemoie: Kids to you.
Kerri Lemoie: The did rubric is a scoring guide that's used to evaluate evaluated and you can take a look at that and and see the examples that they have provided some really well if I did like you know what is the what are the processes what are the requirements and then what are some examples and how they were scored just to give you a comparison for how you would evaluate dids for your own systems.
Kerri Lemoie: Yeah that is the end of the slides for now and what I have to present for now as part of this did one on one does anybody have any questions they would like to ask their you think others on your teams may have and we can do our best to answer them or you know have any other sort of discussions about its while we're here especially in relation to a verifiable credentials for education.
<john_kuo> Thank you Kerri this is a great overview
Kerri Lemoie: Hey David you have the floor.
Kerri Lemoie: I don't know it didn't.
Kerri Lemoie: I mean I can restart the transcriber thank you for noticing that it doesn't say that it's not running and I see it transcribing here so I'm not sure it's capturing everything.
Kerri Lemoie: I don't I don't think so I don't have any controls and it should not be specific to any individuals it is just based on whatever is all based on the Google transcriber and so it does picks up whatever here's and does its best to translate you know vocals the words.
Kerri Lemoie: That's a good question I don't know what browser are you using because I can help.
<simone_ravaioli> Thanks for flagging this, David. Let us look into it.
Kerri Lemoie: It should work with Firefox I'm going to look into that I'm not using Firefox right now that I'm planning on switching to that so that's good to know I think some people are because we were having trouble with with other browsers yeah thank you for mentioning that so we can look into it.
Kerri Lemoie: Absolutely we'd like to capture as much as we can.
<simone_ravaioli> the audio recording will be ok
<phil_l_(p1)> I'm using firefox as well. 102.0.1 (64-bit). So if my comment is in there it's not Firefox dependent
Kerri Lemoie: Fortunately we do have the audio and that will be sent out with the minutes but I'll take a look at that.
<stuart_freeman> I'm using firefox and it transcribed something I said earlier
Phil_L_(P1): Yes thank you.
Kerri Lemoie: You have the floor yep you have the floor.
Kerri Lemoie: David can you hear me.
<david_ward> I guess you can't hear me.
Kerri Lemoie: I can't hear you.
<simone_ravaioli> no.
<phil_l_(p1)> No I can't
Kerri Lemoie: It's not me again can anybody else here David not me okay good.
<geun-hyung> No I can't
Kerri Lemoie: Sorry did you want to type something into the chat.
<david_ward> I wanted to ask about the design goal of discoverability.
Kerri Lemoie: The design goal of discoverability.
<david_ward> I haven't seen anything showing how to discover DIDs of other entities.
Kerri Lemoie: Make it back to that slide here.
<david_ward> Are there examples of such yet?
Kerri Lemoie: That's a good question so I David says he hasn't seen anything showing how to discover dudes or other entities.
Kerri Lemoie: And that is good that's a good question to be treated you I do you know anything about discovering did it but any sort of work out there that.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Sure and Marcus so absolutely right the question of Discovery is associating did with anti-government companies or people.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Thomas Malthus depend on.
Dmitri Zagidulin: I'm the ways of animals.
Dmitri Zagidulin: For example there's facts that'll allow you if you know Innovations or so the person.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Allows you to discover what the did that empties using from what essentially a file that you post on your website that's one option another option is to bootstrap.
Dmitri Zagidulin: So you again you know somebody's URL you can load their schedule.
Dmitri Zagidulin: That's an onboarding sort of way to relate Legacy information like do rails to companies but obviously not everybody is going to be hosting every dollar on the way home what other another approach taken by the community is the notion of prospects.
Dmitri Zagidulin: For example here in the case.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Not carry things like name of these do stand for it.
Kerri Lemoie: Sidebar: is anyone else using firefox who has participated in the audio?
Dmitri Zagidulin: Propelled with that they could be put into service so would provide is a directory much like phone days we have the White Pages Yellow.
Dmitri Zagidulin: How do you discover I didn't phone number.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Other methods of bootstrapping process.
Dmitri Zagidulin: They did that have to do with physical places by.
Dmitri Zagidulin: To our codes and offices for Michael Kamen.
Dmitri Zagidulin: A part of.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Contact you know spending of your business card is a discovery may know the entity and I see are a bunch of identify you know phone number and now did so.
Dmitri Zagidulin: All of the techniques from phone and email days of Discovery apply plus we have.
<david_ward> Thank you.
Kerri Lemoie: Thanks to meet Ray Marcus.
Markus Sabadello: I agree with everything that Dimitri said I can think of one more potential approach to discover teeth remember that a lot of the did methods are based on lectures or blockchains which means that in for some of the did methods all the DIDs are globally visible right if you create a sovereignty it or you create an FC T it or anion.
Markus Sabadello: Eat it then.
Markus Sabadello: Anyone can see all the Deeds that exists globally and often you will not know anything about these things right so in many cases the data is just the deed and there's no other data associated with it which is often a good thing and therefore you don't really know anything about it but in theory it would be possible to have also public data associated with those publicly visible Deeds right for example.
Markus Sabadello: I've heard some.
<kerri_lemoie> Folks may find Phil Windley's explanation of DIDs helpful:
Markus Sabadello: Use cases are or ideas we're at the heat in that the document could have a service endpoint which points to some place for example the centralized web node or something else but it points to something where you can actually discover public information about the date like the name of the organization for example and if you do that then then you couldn't see a read index all those public Deeds plus all the data that's available about it and you.
Markus Sabadello: Could have something like Google of Deeds.
Markus Sabadello: Sickly but your index the dates with the associated public data and that's something that hopefully would be done for Deeds of organizations and companies are not so much for personalities but that could be another approach where were you then run searches or Discovery processes against this Public public set of tits.
Kerri Lemoie: Anybody else have any questions.
Kerri Lemoie: Kate you have floor.
Kate_Giovacchini: And I just want you to repost that link to the Google slide deck could you do that.
Kerri Lemoie: I sure can.
Kerri Lemoie: Here you go.
Kerri Lemoie: Ideally what we do is take this slide deck Gathering your questions and put this out there as a resource on the VC edgy website and start compiling more and more resources because we're getting to the stage where more and more pilots are happening and more and more questions are coming in and it's just time to start building up documentation to help folks really get started and digging into this and in my experience.
Kerri Lemoie: Experience a multi-modal.
Kerri Lemoie: Coach to this works works best when you have very many different documents to look at and documentation to reference and at some point different parts of each one help gather understanding and this is how I work as a developer sometimes it takes me 20 different references before it really clicked with me and I know I've got it right.
Kerri Lemoie: And we'd like to do the.
Kerri Lemoie: You help folks get it right.
Kerri Lemoie: Anybody else have any questions.
Kerri Lemoie: Okay about four minutes left so I'm going to let folks have that time back I appreciate all of you being here today I will do the minutes soon and send those out and of course feel free to reach out with any questions and I will see you next week.
<sharon_leu> Thanks!
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> thank you, very helpful!
<geun-hyung> Thanks
<kimberly_wilson_linson> THANK YOU
<tim_dutta> Thanks!
<colin,_learning_economy> Thank yoU!
<tayken_(lef)> Thank you! ��
Jenn_G: Cording has stopped.