The W3C Credentials Community Group

Meeting Transcriptions and Audio Recordings (2014-today)

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VC for Education Task Force

Transcript for 2024-01-22

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> Hello everyone, I'm Simone, welcome to today's Verifiable Credentials for Education task force call. Let's start with the usual IP Note: Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed, that you can find on the w3c website, and there is a link to this in the agenda we send out before every meeting. Please note that these meetings are recorded. We have a robot transcriber and we also do an audio and a video recording. If you want to speak, please raise your hand by clicking on the raise hand button on the call's tool bar, or type “q+” in the chat to add yourself to the queue.
Kerri Lemoie: Sorry to interrupt you some money but I am noticing that there is no transcriber doing things in the truck.
Kerri Lemoie: There it is.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Oh that happens sometimes.
Dmitri Zagidulin: Well as long as it captures the main.
Karen O'Donoghue: Hi my name is Karen Passmore I'm working with ASU on my skills wallet I'm a user experience designer and have been working with them for almost a year now on another verifiable credential wallet so Dimitri invited me today because I thought I would get a lot of benefit from listening in so happy to be here.
<dmitri_zagidulin> welcome Karen!! :)
<karen_passmore> Thanks Dmitri!
<kerri_lemoie> Hello All!
<jeff_o_/_humanos> Seems to be an open mic out there somewhere...or is it just me?
<dmitri_zagidulin> @jeff - don't hear one, but could be!
<jeff_o_/_humanos> ykx
Kerri Lemoie: Awesome thanks to money I'm gonna put a link to our slides here they should be available to all of you if you have any trouble just let me know and I'll check the sharing permissions on it.
Kerri Lemoie: Me share my screen here I'm going to keep the slides in the mode where you can see the thumbnails so that I can switch tabs when I do the demo.
Kerri Lemoie: All right let's see here.
Kerri Lemoie: Okay spending can you see my screen okay.
<phil_(t3)> sharing all good.
Kerri Lemoie: Excellent to who everybody I'm here with James Chartrand and Dimitri's argue Doolin and we're going to tell you a little bit about the DCCC a little bit about what we've been working on going to do a short demo we also have the folks from learning economy here I believe Jackson is here because they've been working with us on some of the software will do some background and how it all works tell you where we think we're kind of headed and then answer any questions.
Kerri Lemoie: Is that you might have and we'll try to do this in the time.
Kerri Lemoie: Have here so let me first tell you about the DCC.
Kerri Lemoie: You have 13 members I'm around the world and the silver six different countries and with 93 code Repose which we just did an inventory of and checked that count all of these libraries sort of building into the work that are contributing some way to the work that I'm going to show you today just like many of you the D.C.'s vision is to revolutionize how academic achievements are issued manage verified and valued we develop open.
Kerri Lemoie: In source.
Kerri Lemoie: Applications that can help anyone Implement trusted and verifiable digital academic credentials and they're they're issuing systems and we believe also like many of you that Open Standards like the w3c verifiable credentials and open source software lead to the most effective solutions that can most easily cost you place be opted right through Global interoperability so this is what we work on together as a with our members and also our team that supports our members.
Kerri Lemoie: Is some of the.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> Credential Engine greatly appreciates the DCC engagement and expertise in CTDL advisory groups!
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> Simone_Ravaioli_(Co-Chair) , Kerri_Lemoie -- transcriber needs a kick
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> @Ted - not sure why it is not working for some participants...
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> definetly something we will look into it
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> we will have the audio recording anyways...
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> Simone Ravaioli (Co-Chair) -- it cut out mid-sentence from Kerri. I think this is not the partial-deafness (which is usually browser-related).
<dmitri_zagidulin> oooh, yeah, that's not good
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Kerri or @Simone - might make sense to hit Record again
<kerri_lemoie> I think if we hit record again, it deletes the previous recording.
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> Recording is ON. If I turn it off and on, we might loose the audio until now.
<dmitri_zagidulin> good point!
<dmitri_zagidulin> as long as the audio's still on
<leah_houston_(hpec)> huh?
<leah_houston_(hpec)> I missed what he just said re contact info
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> ugh... sorry. I thought restarting recording appended new to old.
<leah_houston_(hpec)> Jackson - if you could please share the contact info/website you mentioned- i did not get it when you spoke
<sudesh_sangelkar> Jackson - This is Sudesh from Phoenix Arizona. Does entire credential cycle ready for apps to integrate starting from issuance to verification? Which standards are supported at this point?
<taylor_-_lef> Here you go Leah:
<leah_houston_(hpec)> Kerri - Which Student informtion systems are you integrated with and what is the opt in/opt out process?
<jacksón> Thanks Taylor for sharing the links! @Sudesh - yes, we support integration from issuance to verification. We support DIDs (web, key, and more), VC-API, OIDC4VCI, CHAPI, Ed25516, Secp256k1 - we have participated in community Plugfest 1, 2, and 3 as well! Happy to have a chat if you have more questions!
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Leah - so, it's just a CSV, so the issuer/registrar uploads a spreadsheet of students
<leah_houston_(hpec)> where is the agency for the *TRUE* owner of the credentials (the student/learner?)
<dmitri_zagidulin> @leah - that begins when the student picks up the credential
<dmitri_zagidulin> agency passes to them
<leah_houston_(hpec)> yes I understand that - but only if the school opts in/sends it to them - it is not automatically available- correct?
<dmitri_zagidulin> correct. same as with a paper credential
<sudesh_sangelkar> This Is Sudesh & Ramakant from SOLO …
<sudesh_sangelkar> Thanks Jackson!
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> @Leah - you might want to ask to Jacskon about integration with SIS... I think the LearnCloud has a strong integration feature
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> Simone Ravaioli (Co-Chair), Dmitri Zagidulin -- If I knew the repo, I'd log an issue to make the recording file title include datetime (perhaps rounded to the minute) instead of just date. This would make moving them around a bit more complicated, but given the frequency of the recording failing mid-meeting, this seems important. Especially if the recording includes voices that the transcriber doesn't hear.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @tallted - lemme see if I can find the repo, it's somewhere on CCG
<nate_otto_(he/him)> Is the verifier plus link generation something that can be done with any credential in this wallet, or is it specific to credentials issued via this coordinator?
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Nate - any credential
<kerri_lemoie> @nate - any credential in the wallet
<kerri_lemoie> The links expire in one year and can be destroyed and recreated at any time by the earner.
<jacksón> @Leah yes LearnCloud connects directly with LMS/SIS/HR for seamless integration into existing systems!
<dmitri_zagidulin> @TallTed - I think the generating code is the .sh files in
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> looks like it would be fairly straightforward to use the badge alignment field in the template to include a link to CTDL Registry data for further context-- which could then be a link in the credential display in the wallet-- does that make sense?
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> @Kerrie, can you please share the share link to the demo cred, so we can explore the details?
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Deb - definitely! I think the ASU Corner Pocket team is looking to explore that integration, and DCC team is very interested as well!
<kerri_lemoie> I forgot to go into revoking or credential status checking.
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> :+1:
<karen_passmore> Why do links expire??
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Karen - just for data retention policy reasons
<karen_passmore> (ignore that dbl question mark ;)
<dmitri_zagidulin> the issuer could set them to not expire
<karen_passmore> ok perfect, thanks
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Deb - we'd love to do a VC Edu call, showing the CTDL integration for the wallet, once that launches!
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> that would be great!
<nate_otto_(he/him)> revoking: 95% for stuff that was issued by mistake
<ramakant> This is Ram & Sudesh from SOLO.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Nate - lol great point
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Can we also take a look at the revocation list on Github, if it's public?
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Ildiko - of course, one sec
<sudesh_sangelkar> thanks!! Kerrie
<ramakant> Thanks!
<kayode_ezike> Actually, LCW does support VPR for the exchange of credentials
<dmitri_zagidulin> but not the selective disclosure
<kayode_ezike> Correct
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> So it's not like a CSV with binary values for revocation status.
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Ildiko right, it's a bit more compressed than that
<dmitri_zagidulin> and yeah, Otto's link is a good example of what the VC looks like
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Thank you both @Nate and @Dmitri, very much appreciated.
<sudesh_sangelkar> How to get details for APP integrations ?
<sudesh_sangelkar> whats the process for APP integrations ?
<dmitri_zagidulin> @Ildiko - here's some example credentials with status code, towards the bottom of
<tallted_//_ted_thibodeau_(he/him)_(> Dmitri, Simone -- FYI,
<simone_ravaioli_(co-chair)> Thank you Ted !
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> This is perfect! Thanks, @Dmitri
<nate_otto_(he/him)> @Jacksón I have a question for offline about LearnCard Wallet, how to troubleshoot a ~"not verified" error message on a credential, could you let me know where to reach you or email me:
<sudesh_sangelkar> Is it possible to get on the call for a quick meet ? i am in MST zone
<kerri_lemoie> Plugfest links here:
<jacksón> @Nate yes! Please shoot me an email at:
<jacksón> Happy to help troubleshoot ��
<sudesh_sangelkar> Thanks dmitri
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> thank you for all this valuable work!
<sharon_leu> Thanks, DCC team!
<jacksón> (my guess is it is because of static vs dynamic contexts @Nate!)
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks James & Dmitri!
<jacksón> Thanks DCC team! ����
<sudesh_sangelkar> THANK YOU ALL
<taylor_-_lef> Thanks all ��
<kerri_lemoie> DCC Resources:
<kerri_lemoie> Verifier Plus url for the credential I created in the LCW:
<kerri_lemoie> Anyone can use VerifierPlus to check a credential:
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Awesome, thanks @Kerri
<jeff_o_/_humanos> Thank You All
<sharon_leu> thanks!
<karen_passmore> Thank you!
<ildiko_mazar_(elm)> Thank you all!
<geun-hyung> Thanks!
<xavi_aracil> Thanks!
<dave_mccool_(muzzy_lane)> Thank you!
<sheela_kiiskila> Thank you! very interesting